“L. A. FULLER, PRES. W, W. FULLER, SEc.-TREAS. Zp y Ze FULLER GRAIN COMPANY GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. KANSAS CITY, MO. February 11, 1941 Dr. FF. G. Alien Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Just a line to tell you how we enjoyed last night's game, and sO happy that it came out on the right side of the ledger. Again want to thank you for taking care of us in such excellent fashion. Will probably want tickets for the remaining home games if I am here but will simply have to take my chances and wait until a littke later to reserve then. I am sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Falkenstien as I want him to know how I appreciate his cooperation. Sincerely, \ 7 LL oe WWE:KS cc. Mr. E. L. Falkenstien