_ ily fask. Well ,I am looking back over almost eight years in the physical education department at the Une versity and I mst ask you to take it from me that my greatest compensations and biggest int- erests have not been visible ones. Of course to me no field offers richer,broader returns than that of physical education. In fact I shudder and draw a deep breath when I think of the ree sponsibility of my job. To translate the aims of my department into concréte terms is in ite | self a big and fascinating job.) But for my larg er interests,look with me waned these elements and see the shadows and.brilliancies of hundreds of personalities. See their am itions, their human strivings,their willingness te see the inconsiste encies of their behavior.and Lo be guided by a eeaeenle. hand, To have @ small part in this,to be 1 to the intimate contactts with my boys,their fr endliness and their confidences; to understand their outbursts of temper over an official's de-. cision and be patient while; out of his own judge- ment he uses that experience to build a philos= ophy which will help him #stand the gaff” out in the world. To have a, Less r after the years have passed,from one tellir his job and success- ful life,from one tell abl of his failure to be. true to the ideals he should have followed; to of- fer a word of praise to the former,and a word of enevnn ement to the latiter. To have a mother come say" ty boy is doin, ee mene and he. wanted you iy know" -«« These are he geste interests of my job. These are the thi that give me a thrill of happiness, that cause = in my heart,a smile, a tear for the opportun‘itées I may have missed and . prayer that I may be Ayorthy of my great task. Prank H.Prost, Director, Physical Education fior Men. University of Georgie.