Merch 24, 1941 Mre John fe Flerance 1200 Fidelity Building $12 Walnut Street Kansas City, Missouri Dear Colomel, T have advanced you fron a sergeant to a colonel. Thank you for the golf tees. If you keep on honoring me I will advance you to Commander in Chief. Regarding our taking ancther train other than the Rock Island to Wichita, may I say that at the lact minute _I discovered that the last day of enroliment for the second semester was February 4 and it wes necessary that we get back to Lawrence as soon as possible so the bors could enroli before too many classes were closede I was under the impression that the Rock Island left Wichita in the morning, but when I fod out it left sonetime soon after noon, we mde arrancenents to teke another train thet would get us out of Wichita SOONCT's i believe this explaine why it was necessary for uz to change our plans at the lest minutes You can rest assured that I will renember you in my willd Sincerely yours, Director of Physical #ducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FOAslg