Mrs Bill Parmer Prese of Men’s Student Comei] 1140 Louisiana Lawrence, Kansas Dear Bills I want you to know, Bill, that it has been a genuine pleasure te cooperate and work with you in any wy possible in maling your adminise tration @ grand success, and in that way making student life more buoyant and fruitful. , i am sorry thet on the 25rd of April I have @ speaking engagement in Wichita and on the 22nd I am scheduled to be at Holyrood to speak at an athletic banquet. Also, on the 2lset, I am te speak to a cityewide father and son banquet in Wichita, under the auspices of the YelleCehe and the Hie¥ Clubs 3 I em sorry that I cannot be with you on the 28rd because it wuld be a great pleasure for me to contribute any smmll mite that I am capable of in putting your progrem over with a bange I em much interested in these student days and I am sorry that I eanot be with yous However, I wish you lots of good luck, both in your closing adninistration and out in the field in your practice of laws Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach FoAslg