June llth, 1941 Mr. Will Feder Sports Editor Eldorado Times Eldorado, Kansas Dear Mr. Feder: . IT thought you might be. interested in some news regarding your Eldorado citizens, past and present. Dave Shirk who was a star of yours as well as our star football player here at the University of Kansas and who is now Athletic Director of Augusta, Kansas, is here this summer with us taking work in our School of Education. We ‘have appointed Dave Shirk Athletic Géneralissimo for the summer session of the University of Kansas. Dave will have charge of all of our tournaments and we have many of them. We have a sixteen softball league, volley ball, tennis, and swimming tournaments. We also have an innovation that is striking a very happy response here for the summer session. Our quadrangle is electric lighted. It is the coolest spot on Mt. Oread because the Wakarusa Valley and the Kaw Valley send their breezes that top this high hill. And, in the evening from 7:50 to 9:30 we light the quadrangle and our. students play shuffle board, volley ball, badminton, tennis, and all of the games that the family may indulge in. We have sand piles, swings, teeter-totters, moneky maze, jungle gym and everything for the little tots. We also have folk dances and rythmic dancing for the youngsters and we have street dances with corn meal. We also have picnics with feeds on the quad- rahgle. It is a real out-door mixing celebration. We would like to invite you up some evening to enjoy the formalities of the occasion and see Dave in action. If you ever come this way, the next eight weeks, we'd be happy to have you. Sincerely yours Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Yoach. FCA:ro | ee a