j vw & AS, William S. Fradis 5766 Bedford Avenue ae Brooklyn, N e Ts April » 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen c/o KansassUniversity Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: Please forgive me for not having acknowledged receipt of your letter sooner. I wish to ex- press the deep and sincere thanks of my team and myself for your very kind consideration in replying to my letter as promptly as you did. We were elated upon receiving your letter in time, which, of course, was due entirely to your thoughtfulness. It is for this that we are completely obligated and eternally in- debted to you, and for which I join the members of my club in an expression of sincere and heartfelt gratitude. I would like you to know, and this I hope will give you some satisfaction, that the liquid belt dressing worked effectively, and my team won, which however, we all consider only subordina: te to your gracious efforts in our behalf. Again, we all thank you, and jointly wish you every continued success, both as the Athletic Director of Kansas University, and in the position of leader in the field of collegiate basketball, the which you are universally acclaimed as by fans, players and authorities alike. Very sincerely yours, MS WSF shs William S. Fradis Andrew [ ae ae Slay Worpman LLU Se sO PE i tite Jock fare - Stem Ton GR «bop Fahd mecty . loans ec : ci O ineicill