November 20, 1940 _ Mire Ge Es Forsythe Director of Athletics Wichigan High School Athletic Association Lansing, Michigan Dear ir. Forsythe: My beleted letter of this date will acknowledge yeseipt of your very fine communication of the fourth instant. I was in Chicago end Milwaukee a week after ay trip to Toledo, and then being called out of the city much has prevented my enswering your good letter in which you enclose Rey Clerke ®ose's "Jest Kept Fishin’ ", the contribution from "The Vagabond". He aid such a swell job in characterizing thie old boy thet we could actually see him at work. I enjoyed meeting end visiting with you, even the . small time that was alotted to us. I assure you that I enjoyed very much your forceful comments and it was ¢ a great pleasure to have been with yous Wishing you a very heppy Thanksgiving and a very merry Yuletide I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Educetion and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach i FCAsme