All of our great national games at present have developed ina big way fror previous werse Professional baseball received its impetus from the Civil Ware Millions of men in amy camps played One Old Cat and Duck on the Rocke When they returned home, jobs were scarce and many men wore out of employment. Consequently, the promoters started leagues and soon these expert continued in the game. Leagues were formed and professional basee ball was on its ways. The World war revivified baseball and established profe= —essional football. As we look back we find that the Civil War developed professional baseball and the World War revivified professionel tmseball and developed professional football, What will this great peace-time draft, thet has called so many men to the colors, develop in the way of a new profese sional game? Will it be professional basketball in a big wey as professional baseball and football are now played? It does not look as if this will be a short wntis Doubtless the youth of our Nation will all definitely be in service in the next year for a period of three or four yearse Since this is basketbe1l season, perhaps a short review on "How Basketball Better Prepares a Soldier for his Duties" may be timely. ; basketball It is a welleknown fact that e/player must be in better physical & player in condition than/any other of our national games, Running, jumping, leaping, vaulting and climbing are the fundamental activities of mane Four of these fundamental activities are in the geme of beskethell, There are many inhibitions in the game of basketball that are necessary for a soldier to learns ie pass at angles and run in curves. It is not necessary to have a fast man in basketball but preferably a quick and an agile player is desirables The footwork in basketball is oemuredio to that in boxing, handball and tennis. I have also generetty fod that a man who is a good basketball player can easily acquire the movements of the baseball players s Ae is Meee ea si pe eg eis iis ee aa rs acti gee ea : Seer il ae ae a