April 10, 19406. Mite Inve F 14 Ne moana AvGe,g Atlantic City, J. Je Dear Ure FPreednans {tan wany ind Go wealy te your Slane of eimai date as to where you can secure a sopy of my latest text ~ “Better Basketball". — got the book in Atlantic Citys | “Better Dasketball" is published by the MeGraw-If%ll | a oe of S50 West 42nd Street, New York City, and thay could supply you with a copye “lost of the leading sporting goods firms @lso handle the bool. : If you should desire an autographed copy of “Better Baglestball"” I will be glad to send it to you postpaid upon rew eo ee ee ee ee booke : x te: Seetintiiag eons iciplightve totinted auntie the book which may imterest yous Very sincerely yours, % Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coachs