Noveaber 9, 1959¢ i. Jack Floyd, (1045 Yost Hille, ‘Lewrense, Kansace Dear Jacks” And your father said he wasted you to wrk! Do you want me to write your father and tell him how many classes you are cutting in Siu? low long do you think the boss would pay you you regard your resposibilities so lightly? A varsity conth wuld say to you, "Get on the tell, Jack". Directur of Physical Edueation and Recreation, FCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coachs November 135, 19394 Mrs George O« Foster, Registrar, University of Kansas. Dear Uke Fosters Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache February 2, 19406. touched. After finishing your letter I immediately destroyed — it, so your wish is grenteds I am so happy you wrote me be= cause i can now do so much more for Jack and I will just double | my energies and effort to mike Jack the boy that you want hin Upon his return to school I will call Jaék in and I wil tell him that I have a renewed interest in seeing him accomplish the things that his om mother and his ow ded would want him _gecomplishe Of course, I will couch my conversation in terms that will be a general interest in Jack and he at no time will | realize thet I am conversant with things that he has no lnowledge of. | : 7 Won't you feel free to write me from time to time as to your gemeral suggestions for the welfare of your son? You know, rae Fl i have wanted to sit down and talk with Jack a number of because I see in him an unsatisfied feelings He is a sweet boy, but he puts on the rather braggndecio air thet is not natural for Jacke In my opinion, Jack Floyd will be one of the really great basketball players of Kensase His _ defense is not good, but his offense, his ball haldling and his cleverness are most pleasing. Apparently the boys at ArlmnsasCity have never been taught much defenses I detected this in Bruce Reid, in Paul Rogers, in Howard Engleman, in fact, ell of the Arkansas City boys with the exeeption of Ray Noble. Ray was so quick and agile that it was easy to teach him defenses But apparently Coach Nicholson, who is a great high school basketball offensive coach, worked on the theory that a good offense was better than a good defense. In fense, and when a player has only offensive ability they are _ quick to detect that and throw their forces imto this wealmess. Therefore, a player who has both offensive and defensive ability is much the more valuable man. For that reason we will develop Jack's defensive ability, and when we get this done he will mbke a nome for himself. when you feel like it? do appreciate your letter, . Very sincerely yours, | u FCAsAN February 3, 1940. Mie Jolm Ne Mloyd, Soe Sunmi: na a Satan, Dear Mare Floyds Iwas very happy to have your letter of the 20th ultimo, and I assure you thet I will take an added interest in Jack and do everything that I ean for the boye Jack is a fine fellow, and as I told you, will make a fine basketball player if I can improve his dew fensive abilitye You tell him to stay in there and keep fighting and learn more defense, Jaci: has improved in So many wmys since he came to the University thet I find mysel? getting quite enthusiastic regarding his possibil- ities before he leaves the University of Kansas. With all good wishes, I am. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN JOHN N. FLOYD, District AGENT H. W. LAFFER 203% SO. SUMMIT GENERAL AGENT WICHITA, KANSAS ARKANSAS City, KANSAS, dan. 30th 1940. Mr. FG ° Allen, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen:- Thanks very much for your time that you gave to explain the situation regarding Jack. With the exception of the fact that he has been missing practice, what you say is no news to us, but with the usual bling love of parents we have been shutting our eyes to the facts,or poswibly we do not know what to do about them. : I have just finished a letter to him and I burned him down con- siderable, and 1 would like to know what the effectis, so wish you would drop me a short note in a week or so, as to how he is doing. I do not send Jack $75.00 per month. We pay his fraternity bill g45.00 and 1 send him $5.25 every week, which with the extras and clothes etc runs well over $75.00 per month average I think. I am indeed grateful for the help you have been to Jack and if you can keep it up and make a man out of him, or as near as possible in 4 years at college, 1 will be everlastingly thankful to you. Sincerly yours, Kt January 27, 1940. i aa 5 4 : y | | That is the : een & | ‘hs iad sae 1% te Bakes I told Jack, oer ncew al eon iametgeronman ane Of course, if the boy just 5 hours less, but to furnishes the money it is dollars <- and plenty of theme e3l away. Now, Af this boy money, he would be pretty careful & sewer " S68 I have a term or » things. ; is ‘value son $75~00 e months % would Luate limks a down. a de ae all of this amy aoaddteds in ats ads il earn money, would throw away that recklessly. flunks a 5ehour course thet is He Wil: Hl bizg gsdsaa a {uh i all fil + ig! nif a3 ‘ ili 3 tig o@ er . Fs 5 Bs a S23 | oe Het ates Dat Pag 2 is ig yl * ghogialg beats bd iy field & di a3 Hig Ras sali a ee ts i i aa iH H ae af es A jt ts in a ihe i ad i it ii HH Hl iy ‘i! i af aut ‘ij 1 Baul a on oe th There are boys here that are utterly s ikea” ; that are good athletes but cannot cone out because they mst:feed — their bodies end ther teaine £irets | | t Geld cnet of Wane teye-thet-ore eile. te inbOge in these extracurricular aetivities that they are living in the Garden of Gden for four years. ‘These four years will be the softest and — ae oe an Their fathers and mothers are sacrificing to put then through and they are spending money on eT ee dates, and that if their parents Imew it there | would be a quik accountings I believe in youth having a good time int 7 aloo boliew tart youth should appreciate wat the parents ; are sacrificing to send then to colleges | | tam not an easy taslamster but I an sympathetic with | boys and with girls, but vhen I see boys or girls abusing a privilege that the parents are endea endeavoring to give them, then in no uncertain tems I em very frank to tell then how they are abusing that privileges ee 1 want you to Imow thet this is the wy I have treated — ‘Bome I have talked to him ina » parental tone so that hers! God; dont Ye a cebheiere ant Where are 6 tel oF upperclassmen. In my opinion, Jack will make a great player and will male the varity tem, but he'will have to have nore schoo! g in i: #¥ t ste Bi iit Hi ait g in ie it AF ut et ane iit its A 8 z 45 a! fis! 2¢" if eigen ea a9024353 il p aga a © sia fea, Pau aati; qiis3 Yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, wishes, I en Varsity Basketball Coaches Hi i PCAs AH The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN * JOHN N. FLOYD, District AGENT H. W. LAFFER 20334 SO. SUMMIT GENERAL AGENT WICHITA, KANSAS ARKANSAS City, KANSAS, dan. 24th 1940. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Lawrence, Kans. pear Mir. Allen:- Understand at the beginning that 1 am not attempting to tell you how to run the basketball team or in any way complaining, but am only writing for information. The season is getting well along and so far I have never seen Jack's name in a lineup, and 1 am wondering if there is any chance ‘for him to get in this year or if not what chance he will have in the years to come. He may not be good enough to get into a game, but if he is not 1 would like to know it. Last ndght against Nebraska, you used a dozen men, some of whom 1 never heard, but no Jack. You know when a Dad works like hell, and coughs up about 75 bucks a month, to keep a boy in school and hoping that in addition to an education you can see his name in a Varsity lineup once in a while, it is a little discouraging if it newer appears, especialy when Dad realy feels like the boy is good enough to at least appear. If he is only going to be a practice player all through school, he might as well be working some and helping on the expense account. But as I wrote you before, I do not want him to do that if he can make his grades and get something done in athgletics. He never says anything as to what he is doing and as far as any knowledge we have he may not even be on the squad. So wish you would let me know what you think of him and his prospects. Jack Floyd =< Since Jan. 13 he has practiced twice; Jane 17 (night before the Missouri game) | Jane 22 (might before the Nebraska game) Missing 6 practices since Jane 13. Dean Ne PERSE. eqveorjou ON (9) ~ ewes esiom W (q) wosscenecgones ewes 10430q VY (@) :UI poqnser sey [[eq = : a “ ~ > ” 8Y} FNOYIM O]dIID 9Y} JO Jey Jeyno 0y} ul Jekejd ~~ _pe WW IOF UOlZeYIUII] PUOddS-9014} OY} FO [VACUO 9UT, “EG «~~ cena ‘ON “Sa gE ATOPORISIVeS sUOTSSTUI ~s ~104d} pue sjno-sw1} Jo Jequinu pue yysuel ely °Z ~~ “> om ONE sox yAoJOVISIyeS [vos e lense 1oyye UOIyNAYSQNS *B S}IqIyoId YOIYM 9[NI 9y4 ST “T IF live *‘yooys JO youq UO IO JI] Weg UI ope e eq AvuUl SUOT}VOYIPOW YSIS OJ suolsessng = *‘POA[OAUI o[droulsd [eioues uo ou IO Sok 940A 2?ALON —~—o > sulids qS¥] apeul sasuvyd oni Surusze9u0D “| LUVd BSP] YING TT ‘073;1uIUIOD oy} Jo A1vzoI90g OY} OF YI0Z 1 BSOYM IOIYO WeYIV 21S 10 Joquay ee7z}1UIWIOD oJ, ae % ATLAWOUd AYIVNNOILSAND AHL NYALAY OD WI, °e07}TUIUIOD [BUOTJENY OY} JO Surjsow [enuue oy} seq SAI}eJUOSeIdeI 0} Aj[enuUe UES SI dITeUUOT}SONdD sip, TWNNNV 6€61 > . 7LS GALINO BP JO | Se AMSVA TVWNOLLVN °7> Ls > TESST OS TT “FHTBO “OUW Ofed “Aluy) paroyueys x “N “40X MON “9S TEM ORE ABVIBYOIS NNNg NHOP 'NVWYIVHO-39IA "Ur 'NONTVS "EN'H 'NVAIY '"S *H NOIWVYIGIS TWNOILVN ~ “VY ‘'V JLVISSTIOD TVWNOILVN May 26, 1959. La NE 4 aE Hi wi ii It is “tough, is a real chempionship course. a ia: ; i 7 Ell iy iar A Hutt ih ul ial Ht i- Director of Physical Faucetion, Varsity Basketball Coach. : Very sitccorely yours, vith st an wishes, I om FOAtAH Stily By 19896 oa ii iy tan i Ha a i £ i i al ‘} ci Very Director of Piysical Biucation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coathe ui rd it! 4 annie ak eating’ | nenaon- cel g pin Dear Kibe and Jeans 808 N. Main St., Garden City, Kans., Auge 27, 1939, Dear Dr, Allen: As I begin this letter I feel more or less of a hangover from an advanced composition course of last year, so my primary purpose will be to talk along definite lines, In the first place, why, having completed a four year course, do I want to continue. ~. i feel sufficiently adequate to handle a minor job in the field of geology, I have always wanted to prepare myself for teaching. Since courses in geology are mainly limited to universities, it is essential that I have some graduate work before I can obtain any sort of an instructorship. Thus my reason for wanting to continue my study. Dad, having completed almost a decade of keeping a boy in college, is feeling a bit on the depleted side as far as finance goes. However, he will gladly help me another year if I ean help myself to the extent of my room and board, Another important point is--of what am I capable? In the eourse of years I have performed at duties that ranged from a paper boy to an apprentice in a cooperage plant. Among other things I am a mediocre typist, as this copy might indicate. I have spent several years in construction work and at times have taken care of the office details. — But while in college I would like hard work more than any other type, for I feel that physical exertion is essential to balance a college life that may easily tend to be stagnating. In brief, I am oe capable and desirous of hard work. Please understand that I am not} assuming an ability on your part to pull strings and produce jobs. I only hope that you may possibly know of some niche I ean fill. Disregarding the general trend of this letter, I do hope you have had an enjoyable and prosperous summer. P. S. I may be in Lawrence the first part of next week. Sincerely, 808 N, Main St., Garden City, Kans., Sept. 7, 1939. Dear Dr. Allens: Having again returned home I shall send a few thoughts to you--the aftermath of my trip to Lawrence plus a few ideas that I hope will help me return to school next week for at least another year. Here goes? Mr, Bayle's secretary told me that they had ceased +o even accept applications in his department. So, for the time being that field is not a possibility though it may very possibly loosen up after school gets under way. I do wish you would keep me in mind in regard to the work you hope +o have done on the intramural field, providing you are able to get the needed money from the council. Outside of thet I know there is little you can outside of keeping me in mind should any odd jobs or possibilities come in view. IT had a chat with Lester MeCoy today. He will be glad to do anything he can for me although I know his sources are decidedly limited and I certainly am not looking for any political plums. I sincerely believe that the one thing that will give Dad the needed psychological impetus is a note from you stating more or less, as per our chat of last Tuesday, that you think the school idea is a mighty fine one and as far as jobs go--we will do our best. I do hope that I haven't made too large a request. | My sincere oe eae September 20, 19394 Ee Re Bibel, Supervisor of Intramurels. . iy if al é i sii beth i aH) Hah zs yes 2 iP ay ys ies iat HL, i : i i a? i a Me ; pistes if i: i Th ai af wae Me a Hig a 7 a8 aaaiel 1 hh 3 i hai! | 2 | 1 duly 28, 19596. : ak vitae + nn He le [i att re ; ny i r aa at ; aul it i : ie i iin Hla (di Hh Very H. W. LAFFER GENERAL AGENT WICHITA, KANSAS The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN JOHN N. FLOYD, District AGENT 203144 SO. SUMMIT ARKANSAS City, KANSAS, July 8th 1959. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen:- If possible for you to do so, I wish you would get Jack a job of some Kind for the coming school year. Having had a lot of additional expense and also the fact that business is not what she use to be, 1 am going to be rather short and if he could earn his board and room, or at least part of it, I would be hebped a lot. If possible he should have some job that would not interfere with his studies, as he is:not wizard with the books, and needs plenty of study time. Il want him to play basketball, and if he cannot handle the job, get his lessons and play too I would rather borrow the money and do without the job. But if there is some work you could get, he could handle, I will appreciate it very much. Trusting that you can do this this and thanking you very much, Ll an, Sincerly October 26, 1959» Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, -FOASAT Versity Basketball Coaches GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT DO.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. LES R.FREEBURG, VicE PRES.& TREAS KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO PHILADELPHIA, PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON,D.C. KANSAS CITY,KANS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES,!IOWA WORCESTER,MASS. ARNO F. HEINRICH, V.P.& FACY. SUPT. R.C. CAMPBELL, VicE PRESIDENT FRED J. BOWMAN, SECRETARY 15809 -/1-132 BALTIMORE AVE., fay sas; Cram Mo, October 25, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Dir, Phy. Ed. University of Kansas ‘Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allens: This time I am writing to you about som of my personal troubles discarding for the moment our athletic worries. Would it be convenient for you to see Mrs, Fairhurst in Lawrence sometime in the near future and give her a physical check-up? For some time she has been bothered with severe headaches and to date has been unable to find the cause, I know you are quite busy with many tasks but if you could arrange to see her, I would appreciate it very much, I plan to visit the old home town near Lawrence this week=end and could come through Lawrence late Saturday afternoon or Saturday evening if you had a few minutes to spare and in case you are in town; otherwise, any day late in the afternoon or evening would be fine, I will appreciate hearing from you at your convenience, Very truly yours, % st, Order Supervi‘sor, LOWE & CAMPBELL ATHLETIC GOODS CO, PF:CG KARL H. ROYER, MDOSE. MANAGER LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR BoOsTon:, DALLAS, TEXAS CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINN. So. ce Oeics .. olOe DETROIT, MICH: DENVER; COLO, SYRACUSE. Noy. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE,N.C. October 28, 1939. department prepared two years acts Under cover I om glad to send you a Sincerely yours, Secretary, Dept. of Physical Sducation, Plattsburg, MO. Ost. 5, 1239 Dr. Vernon Lapp 426 Bayard Towa City, Iowa Dear Sir: While I was attending the University of Kansas, I was very much impressed by the posters of posture and correct shoes in the education bulletin board, Upon inquiring about them, I fin d that they were made up under your direction. 1 would like "very much to have copies of some of them if it is at all possible. I would like to use in Physical Education work in the high school in which IT teach, I would appreciate imformation about the posters very much, Sincerely, Mrs Paul Fairhurst, Order Supervisor, Lowe < Campbell Athletic Goods Coe, Kansas City, Missouri.s Dear Pauls I am enclosing a copy of the letter I have | just written to Or. Harriet Crawford. I am sure that she : will be able to give lMrse Fairhurst definite relief. With ‘best wishes to you both, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. Novenber 6, 19396 a great guy. You and Sully should team togetper - to be the personnel manager and you to put over the pu ity. The two of you ought to go places. If you get ever to Lawrence for the George Washington geme we will be glad to see youe 3 Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAll Varsity Basketball Coaches W. A. BAILEY PRESIDENT BROADCASTING ELLIS ATTEBERRY SERVICE OF GENERAL MANAGER THE KANSAS City KANSAN A CAPPER 1310 Kilocyclea PUBLICATION 901 Wlonth Eighth . Kanaaa City, Kanaaa .. Dnexel 4300 Kansas City, Kansas November 3, 1959 yr. 2.70. Abies University Athletic Department University of Kansas pe ee ae ed FF NA a a a ee ee, San tod Dear Doctor Allen, SS : pine Oe a I have been intending to write you for some time, and tell you how I made out after Summer Session, I landed a job as a continuity writer for KCKN the week after Summer Session ended. ee ee so a was The letter you gave me seemed to have a real effect, and I certainly appreciate the help you gave me, PS ' | | p C i V While.I am not in the newspaper business, I am writing; and there appears to be a real future in radio Wmiting--if you play your canis right and really try to learn. Anyway it's altogether different and I've gotten a big kick out of it so far. I'm on several shows myself and believe it is all good training. Of course, I've been working for the experience ever since I can remember; but maybe when I die they'll point to my marker and say "There lies an experienced man," I'd give anything to be in Lawrence for the game today, but I just can't get away on Friday. I'm planning to be there for the Missouri game there; and for the George Washington game if everything works out okay. Say hello to Miss Hulteen, and Ed Elbel and anyone else around there for me. I enjoyed working with you all very much this summer; and maybe some day I'll beat my way back into a sport editorship some place; and be able to give Kansas some red-hot publicity. Sincerely yours, Bill Fitzgerald Radio Station KCKN Kansas City, Ks. P.S. Nelson Sullivan comes around quite often. He's working for Phillips here in K.U., Ks. e e#=§ ‘The Onky Radio Station in the Langeat City in the State of Kanaaa 6 -.