The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN JOHN N. FLOYD, District AGENT H. W. LAFFER 203% SO. SUMMIT GENERAL AGENT WICHITA, KANSAS ARKANSAS City, KANSAS, dan. 30th 1940. Mr. FG ° Allen, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen:- Thanks very much for your time that you gave to explain the situation regarding Jack. With the exception of the fact that he has been missing practice, what you say is no news to us, but with the usual bling love of parents we have been shutting our eyes to the facts,or poswibly we do not know what to do about them. : I have just finished a letter to him and I burned him down con- siderable, and 1 would like to know what the effectis, so wish you would drop me a short note in a week or so, as to how he is doing. I do not send Jack $75.00 per month. We pay his fraternity bill g45.00 and 1 send him $5.25 every week, which with the extras and clothes etc runs well over $75.00 per month average I think. I am indeed grateful for the help you have been to Jack and if you can keep it up and make a man out of him, or as near as possible in 4 years at college, 1 will be everlastingly thankful to you. Sincerly yours, Kt