To “hom It May Concern: Caery tier 0h canal We ows Mec 1 (Bii1) Mitagoraldy « treduate of the thivoraity of Kansas in the Department of Journalisn, sport editor <_< of nerit. I have lmown Willdam Fitegereld for over five years and have found him to be always an intelligent, aggressive, earnest and dependable newspaper mn. He writes cleverly and authentically. He has no bad habite that interfere with his work, and in my opinion he will male good very decidedly if given an opportumitye 3 During these years I have been in close contact iseei vetamaahd,, ond 4% wedkd Ghaman as Oley weak $2 you should be in ae position to aid him in his quest for work among the newspeper profession. I am most happy to recomend him without reservation or evasione Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FPOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches