February 3, 1953 Miss Ruth Federal Reserve Bank, — We are very, very grateful to you and your group for the splendid teble temis exhibition you gave us at the basketball geme last nights Our audience enjoyed it imnenselys | Will you please express to lirse McFadden, Dre Mercer and Mr. Towle cum deep appreciation? With best wishes, and thanking you, I em Sincerely yours, Varsity Bas _ Coache Kansas City, Missouri January 26, 1938. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen: In reply to your letter of the 22nd regarding the official Tennis Tables. I would appreciate it very much if you would try and locate two regulation tables. Inasmuch as I am bringing the Top Ranking Players of Kansas City I would not want to ask them to make an exhibition, before such a crowd, on the plain varnished tables. They are anxious to put on as good an exhibition as they are capable. The varnished tables not only would handicap the vision, it would effect the bounce of the ball. I was conversing with Junior Coen the other day and mentioned the subject of Tennis Tables in Lawrence. He said several of the Profg:had them in their homes, so you probably won't have much trouble — two tables, May I also make the suggestion that you have four ushers or boy scouts to run down the balls? I am afraid if we didn't have someone, we would spend most of the twelve minutes shagging balls, with so much 7 behind us, We are looking forward to making the exhibition, and sincerely a= that we can put on an interesting show, | Very truly yours, Ruth Forsythe, ‘Federal Heserve Bank, rs. I just received the tickets from Mr. Falkenstien January 22, 1938. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches aeedaisanainetadiee aleiaad neuen team mmm eaeotcee oe ed SE EE ES ERE Tne AoE * OER FRET Kansas City, Missouri, January 18, 1938, Dr. Forrest C, Allen, Athletic Department, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Sir: | Reference is made to the Table Tennis Exhibition to be held Wednesday nite, February 2nd in Lawrence. In making arrangements, I find the personnél will be as I notified you over the telephone last Sunday. For con- firmation, I am enclosing the names of the players and their titles. ; In regard to the tickets, I would like to have eight or ten, preferably ten, as it seems each player would like to bring someone, not only to see our games, but to see your boys beat Nebraska. I do not want to abuse your generous offer but if you can spare that many, I believe it will compensate the players and drivers for the expense of the trip and will be greatly appreciated by all concerned. Please mail them to me in care of the Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City, Mo, Inasmuch as we are all United States Table Tennis Association members, our exhibition must be sanctioned by them, We have written for same and I am sure that it will be approved by them. I have never been in your Basketball Stadium so I do not know the arrangements, I was wondering if it would be possible to have one table located outside the hall where we could have a little warmup beforehand, This would enable us to use the full twelve minutes for playing games. If this plan cannot be conveniently arranged it will be perfectly satisfactory for us to warmup during the allotted twelve minutes, Thanking you in advance for everything I remain, Very truly yours, [leach Fonag Hee Ruth Forsythe | Federal Reserve Sank Kansas City, Missouri ‘ Table Tennis Exhibition Team For University of Kansas February 2, 1938 Dr. Herman L. Mercer, Greater Kansas City Champion 1936-1937-1938. Men's Doubles 1937 and Mixed Doubles 1938. Nationally ranked. Tom Howle, Kansas City Champion 1935. Men's Doubles 122"1987 andeMized>)Deublés71937, Ruth Forsythe, Kansas City Champion 1936 and Greater Kansas City Champion 1937. Mixed Doubles Chaempionn 1937 Lee McFadden, Greater Kansas City Champion 1938, Mixed Doubles 1938. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI HOSPITALS LABORATORY BLOOD EXAMINATION pe ~ ee Room No. Name of Patient: 7 hp ee Physician: Loe Case No. oe 35,000 woe [oO 177 v Time Count number Coagulation time Bleeding time Leucocytes per c mm. : — Differential Count P. M. Neutrophils P. M. Eosinophils P. M. Basophils Large Mononuclears Lymphocytes Lymphoblasts Myelocytes Myeloblasts Immature P. M. Ns. Unclassified Erythrocytes per c mm, Hemoglobin (Method) Color index Anisocytosis Poikilocytosis Polychromatophilia Granular degeneration Nucleated forms Reticulocytes Blood Donor Group Plasmodium Malariae Wassermann Widal Culture Blood sugar Blood urea Blood N. P. N. Icterus Index 55% Remarks: “Ye Leucocytes per c mm Neutrophils ExaMitied bY tosses conn ct oe aekd ee nade le eo ee ween ea December 18, 1957 j i ‘ 1545 St. Paul street, Rochester, New | Varsity Basketball Coach, Director of Physical Educatione FPCAsAH danuary 1S, 19586 With every good wish, I am Sinoerely SOUPS» Director of Physical PCAsAH Varsity Dasketball Coache THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY FRANK ©. LOWDEN. JAMES E. GORMAN. JOSEPH B. FLEMING, TRUSTEES 1200 FIDELITY BANK BUILDING P. W. JOHNSTON, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT “Route of the Rockets’’. KANSAS CITY, MO., Jan.12, 19381 File 43-2498. Dr.Forrest C.Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence ,Kans. Dear Doc: Recalling our convensation last Friday with regards to Ames basketball game February 2lst,for which the following schedule was suggested: Sunday Feb.20 Lv. Lawrence 9:28PM Santa Fe #6 Ar. Kansas City 10:25PM (Sleeper may be occupied on arrival Kansas City) Iv. Kansas City 11:35PM Rock Island #16 Monday Feb .21 Ar. Des Moines 6;15AM (Breakfast at Des Moines Hotel and bus to Ames when convenient) Retumine: Bus to Des Moines after game,sleeping car may be oceupied after 9:50PM Monday Feb .2lst Tuesday Feb.22 Lv. Des Moines 12:30AM Rock Island #15 Ar. Kansas City 7:S50Al ; Lv. Kansas City 8:00AM Santa Fe #5 Ar. Lawrence 8:53AM I em holding six lowers and seven uppers between Kansas City and Des Moines for your party on above schedule. The bus char for 11 persons for roundtrip from Des Moines to Ames is $13.20 so assum for party of 13 the rate Will only be slightly higher. Expect to call upon you early in February so if any Changes are desired can then arrange them. or an ee; img Passenger Ag ROUTE OF THE “‘G DEN STATE LIMITED” TO CALIFORNIA AND “ROCKY \MQOUNTAIN LIMITED” TO COLORADO AIR CONDITIONED THROUGHOUT OFFICE CLOSED SATURDAYS DURING JULY AND AUGUSI (William B. Geakins, Inc. 500 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK AT FORTY-SECOND STREET Caste: FEAKINS, NEW YORK @bp PHONE: LACKAWANNA 4 - 4975 June 14, 1938. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Division of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Miy dear Dr. Allens Thank you for your letter of Jume 9th and the enclosed copy of a radio program in which you mention Miss Helen Wilis. Miss Wills is able to give us only a few weeks in the fall for a lecture tour to be made after she returns from Europe and completes the series of tennis engagements at Forest Hills. We have been offering her for large public meetings where the engaging party will be able to sell tickets of admission. However, we had correspondence with Mr. Raymond Nichols whom you mentioned, and told him that we might be able to fit in a date for Miss Wills to appear at Lawrence about November 50th or December lst at a fee of $350.00. Sincerely yours, ae F. Truman, Treas., HFT : GH WILLIAM B. FEAKINS, INC. ec- to Mr. Raymond Nychols ALL QUOTATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IF NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN 30 DAYS. ENGAGING PARTIES ARE TO FURNISH STEREOPTICON OR MOVING PICTURE MACHINE AND OPERATOR AS REQUIRED FOR ILLUSTRATED LECTURES UNLESS OTHER ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE, duly 1, 19385 ) : L.DRE Bat cute ot tse aotaant to Lary ee : e is real oS t a fe ‘, ss AE bs ~ is : a) : ( i eras i (ayer et ee Be 4 ‘ ; : Juno 255 1958. that IT heave been here at the sity, but I desire to koep in good stanting. the STATE OF KANSAS BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OFFICE OF SECRETARY J. E. FREELAND, D. O., COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS May 21, 1938. Dear Doctor: The Annual Registration law has been in operation only one year, but the Kansas State Board of Osteopathic Exami- nation and Registration believe that it has raised the standards of the profession and that other advantages will accrue as time goes on. It has provided funds for install- ing a new and more efficient system of records and pays for the post-graduate instruction given at the annual convention. The Secretary calls attention to the fact that the law requires registration on or before July lst of this year. The fee is five Gollars ($5.00). The enclosed application blank requests. additional information which is needed in the Secretary's files to help complete the records of all those registered in Kansas. “A few have not complied with their post-graduate require- ment, there is yet time to get this needed credit. The osteopathic colleges are offering post-graduate courses this spring. Please avail yourself of this opportunity before it is too Late. The Osteopathic Physicians registered in Kansas have accepted this new law in a fine spirit and your Secretary Wishes to express his sincere thanks for your cooperation, Yours fraternally, <= a ¢ f rag JEF: HW J7# #. Freeland, D.O. Secretary, Kaisas State Board of Osteopathic Examination and Registration. Mitts Wine Be Weltea. | §00 Titth Avenue, New York City, ".Ys Dear Mr. Yeakins: ee Oe one ae ; Course here at the University of Mansas, oe ee | Physical Révoation during the sobool years in which Z lave mewtioned Mee Wille 45 an £3 for the eollege se ee - - 3 teust it sey be possible for the thiversity > to have Mise Wills on the Lesture Course soriese : Thank you very much for bringing this to my Willian B. Geakins, Inc. 500 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK AT FORTY-SECOND STREET Caste: FEAKINS, NEW YORK @bp Puone: LAcKAWANNA 4 - 4975 Director of Physical Education June 6, 1938 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ~ Dear Sir: May we call your attention to the enclosed circular of Helen Wills, who will lecture in the United States for about ten weeks after the American national tennis championships at Forest Hills in which she will participate. We believe there is something about Helen Wills which appeals not just to the sport-minded members of a college com- munity but to every person, young or old, who knows of her outstanding record. That record has not been limited to the tennis courts alone, for Miss Wills is a painter of note and the author of two books. In this connection, we wish to call your special attention to William Lyon Phelps' comment on the inside of the flap of the enclosed circular. A lecture by Helen Wills should be a particularly suc- cessful occasion for the purpose of raising funds for the Athletic Association of your college or for some special event which you may he to sponsor. We shall be glad to send you further information as to terms and open dates on request. President, WILLIAM B, FEAKINS, INC. ALL QUOTATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IF NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN 30 DAYS. ENGAGING PARTIES ARE TO FURNISH STEREOPTICON OR MOVING PICTURE MACHINE AND OPERATOR AS REQUIRED FOR ILLUSTRATED LECTURES UNLESS OTHER ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE, { Sincerely yours, Ln. B Teale Messre. Glem and Lyle Foy, ao lewwence, Kargas. tear Clom end lyyles 2% ds needlesa to tell how very much gxieved we were to hear of tho loss of dear mothere Ii assure you that I can aprreciate whet this means, because I was = CU eee fh to Me. | + sais nice Wai Cikems wie sid bison Gt gue bereavenente Glem said, "I want you to know how heartsick T am because although I have not lost my mothers she ia the dearest person in the world to moe" With Glenn's thought, end those of mine, I ansure you that we can deeply sympathise me 708 oe Tele aed Ree ‘Sines in Gx teen a tana, sendbiinaes od : | the fine years that we had with our mothers, and I em sure ‘ that those memories will always be cherished as some that ) never faile ee ee ne te ee Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH Varsity basketball Coache May 12, 1958. tosarse Tal en Lay’ Foye Dear Tari and Lloyd: Tt Sg wadetBenn G0 G0) yes bow very mull exiond we were to hear of the loss of your dear mother. I assure you that I can ayoreciete wheat this means, because I was — Re t was with Glemn Ontmen when we heard of your bereavonent. Glem said, "I want you to lmow how heartesiok I am because although I heve not lost my mother, she is the dearest person in the world to mee” With Clem‘s thought, end those of mine, T assure you thet we can deeply sympathize = sad houte Howser, wo do have the wnderful rasmbremen of the fine years that we had with our mothers, and I am sure thet those mewories will always be cherished as sume that never fail. ee : Simeerely yours, ae - Director of Physical Edusation, PCAAH : “Varsity Basketball Coachs May 14, 1938. Mire Sanuel Feinberg, 120 Wall Street, Suite 3115, New York City, Hele Dear Mr. Feinberg: Theil you Pee yore Satter at wey Oh asking if the University of Kansas basketball team would be interested in playing in one of a series of inter~ ee the coming seasone The rules of the Big Six Conference, of which we are a member, prohibit any of the teams from playing off of campus gymmasia or field houmses I re~ ey gret that this will prevent us from accepting your : invitation to play at the International sophdthantre in Chicagos Director of Faysieal Eéuoation, Coach, 120 Wall Street---Suite 3115--<-New York City : May 9, 1938 Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir:- | I would like to know whether you would be interested in playing in one of a series of intercollegiate basketball double- headers to be held at the International Amphitheatre in Chicago during the coming season. Anearly response would be greatly appreciated. March $0, 1938s Myre Re Ma P , oe | eh Thank you so mush for sending me Frederick Wares colum frou the GQuaha ‘orld-llervald. -_ nice of you to think of les These newspapers boys cortainly are taking . ermoks at the As de Us, are thay not? "Ath every good wish, T am | ae Nesey 8 hall Coachs UNIVERSITY OF DUBUQUE LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE - THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY THE REV. DALE D. WELCH, M.A., LL, D., PRESIDENT DUBUQUE, IOWA 3/5/38 Saturday Forest C. Allen University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Coach Allen: Enelosed is the questionnaire filled in as re- quested. I'm sure the convention in Chicago on the 4th and 5th will be most interesting when these questions are discussed. Il am making my first trip to listen in on one of these meetings, am looking forward to seeing old time coaching acquaitances like Dave MacMillan of Minn. my former Idaho coach; Layden, Keogan etc. the latter my hometown high school coach at La Crosse, Wis. By the way, you to't me to coach basketball, in- directly at least, since I purchased ymr basketball book and have always followed your articles in the various athletic journals etc. For that reason, I hope I have the pleasure of meeting you at the convention. Coach Miller is no longer here; he is coaching in the southern part of the state. Thank you kindly, I remain Sincerely ywurs BoB Fitzke xf Director of Athletics and Hd. Coach BF TTT Se LLIE WONG’S ROYAL CAFE Villa Acufia, Coah., Mex. Photo by Lippe POS AIR D - doa . ax Loan Dn, Qble ESPO . se on Hes Mm ae Qa, : Chhhiny conte pit Auasre Uh GE. ae. fd A | Shen Seuctd Ct 2 AA ae Hr oh ASIS Ao /_Srik e Yun. jd Wa A Karrn LOY. oCurroncs Kancas, , van itt 26M mao fo eit fe fy to leep in touch with mee ie Very sincerely yours, Diseatar of Piyeieel Biuontton, 3 : Director of Physical Bducation, begin work time next we thet i s, but I wil Sincerely yours, duly 27, 1958« * malatiees Magnes” lire Wesley le F aan ie Goins side adit its wie ‘i i aay Mae Ha ii Hi Migr i rT i ie 4 ip at it i be 3 pad tts a eit Ae He i i AL ily if i Bah til ia Ie p anegee teed 4-5 itt ae im 1h 1 “iil a dsttss ‘ 3 i a ue ith i fa a te citi it ith Nit nu Mit RL i ee iy 137 fiji ai ip Hai eet : fll af: if i ili 33% ay " at i I ut algils te aE i ; alps HL att frei ish bagel iis uy hi an ite basil i Sua] ae auf ab neg NS, t rk er ee an da Wig tte Hy tn Sana tas KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS MANHATTAN, KANSAS July 16, 1938 Dre F. Ce. Allen Department of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am not entirely satisfied with the diet suggestions which we have sent to our football players in the past and I am wondering if you cowld help me out? Perhaps you have some- thing that you have worked out which I would prefer, or something compiled by someone else which you would recommend. It is ex- tremehy difficult for boys here to obtain a proper diet, and quite likely many of them do not care to put forth much effort along that line. There are always a few, however, who will follow any suggestions closely which would be something gained. I would appreciate very much any suggestions you could give we in this regard. Hoping this finds you in the best of health and spirits, and with kind personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, Wesley La F¥: Coach of Football WLF sLR KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS MANHATTAN, KANSAS July 29, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen; Thank you most kindly for your fine letter of July 27, relative to diet for athletes.’ I had not intended for you to take the trouble of a lengthy letter; it was my thought, as I stated in my first letter, that you might have some printed material on hand. I am getting out a couple of letters to the football squad during the month of August, and want in each instance to bring in many of the things you suggested concern- ing the proper use of food and liquids. It is Surprising how Little many of our athletes know about these things, and prob- ably more surprising to realize how little attention many coaches pay to that important factor. Wouldn't it be fine if our athletes could get around a well planned training table, especially during the competitive season of their sport? Thanks again, Doctor, it was very fine of you to do this for me and it will be of real value to me in my reconmenda= tions to my: boys. With kindest personal regards, and every good wish, I am Sincerely yours , Coach of Football WLF sIk Desenber 24, 1937» i, Max 646 Past 19th a. Lawrense, Kansas» ly dear Haxs it seems like old Sazta Claus Allen is civays lates He ip alwys gutting thare after everything ds 2 had hoped you could heve this before Chwigtune Day, but after you got to be a grindfather you nove ‘pathor slowly, eo I em sending you this by mail and trust that Ttainaadtae oe & good laugh before school starte noxt wool. Wishing you a Merry Christmas Week, ial ante Hace aad Weems Wee Sek Xo Varaity Yasketbeil Coagh,