STATE OF KANSAS BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OFFICE OF SECRETARY J. E. FREELAND, D. O., COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS May 21, 1938. Dear Doctor: The Annual Registration law has been in operation only one year, but the Kansas State Board of Osteopathic Exami- nation and Registration believe that it has raised the standards of the profession and that other advantages will accrue as time goes on. It has provided funds for install- ing a new and more efficient system of records and pays for the post-graduate instruction given at the annual convention. The Secretary calls attention to the fact that the law requires registration on or before July lst of this year. The fee is five Gollars ($5.00). The enclosed application blank requests. additional information which is needed in the Secretary's files to help complete the records of all those registered in Kansas. “A few have not complied with their post-graduate require- ment, there is yet time to get this needed credit. The osteopathic colleges are offering post-graduate courses this spring. Please avail yourself of this opportunity before it is too Late. The Osteopathic Physicians registered in Kansas have accepted this new law in a fine spirit and your Secretary Wishes to express his sincere thanks for your cooperation, Yours fraternally, <= a ¢ f rag JEF: HW J7# #. Freeland, D.O. Secretary, Kaisas State Board of Osteopathic Examination and Registration.