Willian B. Geakins, Inc. 500 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK AT FORTY-SECOND STREET Caste: FEAKINS, NEW YORK @bp Puone: LAcKAWANNA 4 - 4975 Director of Physical Education June 6, 1938 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ~ Dear Sir: May we call your attention to the enclosed circular of Helen Wills, who will lecture in the United States for about ten weeks after the American national tennis championships at Forest Hills in which she will participate. We believe there is something about Helen Wills which appeals not just to the sport-minded members of a college com- munity but to every person, young or old, who knows of her outstanding record. That record has not been limited to the tennis courts alone, for Miss Wills is a painter of note and the author of two books. In this connection, we wish to call your special attention to William Lyon Phelps' comment on the inside of the flap of the enclosed circular. A lecture by Helen Wills should be a particularly suc- cessful occasion for the purpose of raising funds for the Athletic Association of your college or for some special event which you may he to sponsor. We shall be glad to send you further information as to terms and open dates on request. President, WILLIAM B, FEAKINS, INC. ALL QUOTATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IF NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN 30 DAYS. ENGAGING PARTIES ARE TO FURNISH STEREOPTICON OR MOVING PICTURE MACHINE AND OPERATOR AS REQUIRED FOR ILLUSTRATED LECTURES UNLESS OTHER ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE, { Sincerely yours, Ln. B Teale