Decanber 50, 1987s on Son tae Dear Friend Fields: Yes, indeed, I remember the years back at Sth and at the old Kansas City Athletic Club where wo really took ¢ Missourl Athletic Club to o trimming, then essayed to tear tho pecerd of tho Buffalo Goman YallsCulle outtit fron Dutfaoy Bow Save Those were great years, with Ceorge Creel fron mdence, Claude Jolmson of the Kansas City Ster, and a : ten of the Kanone City Yostnal ~ 1 an not cure whether the Fost was in oxistonoe at that tine, or mote | Z agree with you that those wore wonderful daye end I am a y to recall them, Uowever, $0 congtadas go tig pow Remaontgempeny! Sei at Caamaebiin Gate jue coubatin tom sue tpkeibelie wes Ge year end ie taking a finishing course there. Uy brother, He By . (Pete) Allen, with the rank: of Major, is located at Stanford and has been there a couple of years. If you ever got arowurd thet wy he will bo hapoy indeed te see yous. t have three grandchildren, and have already hed two children graduate fron the tmiversity. I heave a son who is a SUES Mee year, Hel Car yomieeet Geugitar Se 8 Goreme Me high school, Ty, how time flies! . I trust that overything is going woll with yous Thank you for the elippinge. It wis interesting. Not every great conch agrees with his coutanporarios. With icavect regaide ex beet wisheo for « baviy and prose porous New Year, I em ue Sincerely yours, ee ee ae 5121 Bayo Vista Alameda, California, 12-16-37 Dear Dr. Allen:- Enclosed a piece from the Oakland Tribune, which made my thoughts turn back to 9th and Locust, and some 35 years ago, when you certainly had a basket ball team. Those were wonderful days. I hope everything is well with you. Yours sincerely, _—— : 4 fo OR i i it li Te i aah a ee a ate i et Hay Ni i[2eee i July 5g 1988- ig 2 5 ” i i iF ni Ai ta ib a vat? my opinion is thet the board will be sise~ ii itt ii —<—- He : S998 ivy i Hany ty I ita Mite Re Aw Fetgor, of Univers? Deax lir. Fotgers Hi Very cordially yours, Director of Ci | Varsity Conche I trust thet I heve given you the information you desires a le a UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL, N.C. DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EpucaTION AND ATHLETICS R. A. FETZER DIRECTOR Mr. Forrest ¥. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We have recently completed a new physical education building and are now in the process of purchasing necessary equipment for its operation. I am weiting you specifically to ask that you please give me the benefit of your experience relating to basketball bankboards. We are trying to make a deci- sion regarding the merits of the glass, steel, and wood backboards from the players! and spectators' view- points. If you will be kind enough to write me your impressions I shall appreciate it immensely. Sincerely yours, Fe. . eer x R:- A. Yetzer” Director of Athletics Mire Frank He Frost, Director of Intramural Sports, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgiae Dear Jdagk: 2 I am happy to hear fran you in your letter of the 5th instant. i em, of course, very much pleased to have your very splendid coments on my book, “Setter Basketball". I worked hard end earnestly on the book, and am glad it meets with your approvale i em very sorry about the misfortume that came to your little daughter. Jatk, I believe the fall that caused her te break her arm also produced a shoulder and neck injurye Maxy people will remember the fracture, but they perhaps forget what a terrific fall it must have been to cause a break of the arms in ny opinion, the shoulder girdle, the scapula, is the thing that is causing the trouble. Brag the insertion of the muscles into the seapula and the area around the shoulder is at fault, I believes Remember, the attechnent of the muscles along from the seapula to the cervical vertebrae in the necks I would suspect that she would have a “wry neck". : I would be glad to see your little girl and make a diag- nosis for her, because I believe I can find the cause of the trouble. I expect to attend the sessions of the National Physical Education Assoe~ dation which is meeting at Atlanta, Georgia, on April 20=23. lrse Allen and I are expecting to attend, and if it is convenient for you to be around Atlenta at that time I would be glad to look at her for yous if I were you I would get a heat lemp and thoroughly warm that seapula shoulder blade and neck area with this therapy lamps Do shoulder region. Radio-diathermy is the thing thet should be used and used by intelligent people. I do not know whether you have any first class osteopaths in Athens, or not, but if you had one who understood his business J would certainly have an examination by s competent _ Won't you write me a history of her injury and what you have done since the fracture? Give me all the details, as well as her age, height and weight, whether she is anemic, or has any caleium de~ “heave any other children, and what is their physical condition? Jack, I will be glad to help you in any way I can. Wath every good wish, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical pivoation, Varsity Ten Coache THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA ATHENS, GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS Feb.5th.1938. Dr.Forrest C.Allen Director of Atwletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr.; One always calls on his friends when he gets into trouble. But before I go into my troubles I want to congratulate you on your fine new book-"Better Basketball" I think it is the best thing on the market, Our little girl had the misfortune to break her arm some two or three years back. She evidently carried it in a sling too long which caused what is commonly termed'wry neck', What would you ad- ~ vise as the proper exercises to overcome the one Se We want to exhaust every means” before con- sidering an operation, Any sugge&Stion you have will certainly be very muchly appreciated. With kindest regards to you and yours, Frank H, "Jack" Frost, ce “Ditestor of Intramural siorts, February 15, 1958s Thenk you for your good letter of the 10th instant. i am mot sure at all thet lirse Allen and I will have the oppor~ ; Director of Physical FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA ATHENS, GEORGIA 4 DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS Feb, 10,1938, Dr.Forrest C.Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear.Dr.Allen; Your letter of the senenth received with much joy and appreciation, I am very much pleased to know that you and Mrs.Allen are going to be in Atlanta for the National Physical Equcation Association meeting April 20-23. I plan to be at that meeting and will be awaiting the time anxiously,now,since I know you and Mrs.Allen are going to be there. Nina and I would ap- preciate it very,very much if you and Mrs,Allen would arrange to remain with us for a few days after the meet-— ing is over. How about it? We would feel very honored, Please try to come over here and stay at least through MondaysApril 265, Thanks very much for the information re- garding Cornelia Ann's neck, She is the only child we have and you know that we think the world and all of her, In-stead of writing the history of her injury I will wait and have a good long talk with you about her, Please write me that you and Mrs.Allen will be with us after the meeting in Atlanta. With the Very Kindest Regards and Every Good Wish to You and Yours, I am, Most sincerely yours, Director of Intramural Athletics, Peat Bw Fu Teaver, ae Terecns duvior Callens, Parsons, “ensace Dear Dean Farner: ~ Thank you very mush for your Icind letter of the 15th instant giving the time end place of your banquet scheduled for Monday evening, Merch 21. 1 chal? be at eee Looking forward to seeing you next Monday, end with all good wishes, I on Sincerely yours, trovtor of Myiae) Sawatny PARSONS JUNIOR COLLEGE PARSONS, KANSAS E. F. FARNER, Dean March 15, 1938 Dr. FF, G, Alien, Director of Physical Education, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: ~The civic clubs banquet is scheduled for 6:30 on Monday evening, March 21. As I told you, this affair is being sponsored by the civic clubs of Parsons and is given in honor of the junior college basketball squad which won the state championship and who were undefeated throughout this season. The banquet will be held in the cafeteria of the junior college building on West Main Street. I am glad to know that you will be with us and that we shall have the privilege of hearing you egain in a public address. Very sincerely yours, ne E. F. Farner EFF: be \P/ ‘ Meweh 8, 1988. f . Deaz Dean Farner: T ghekt te wary tngyy $0 apmak ab your tanga sone evening during the week of March 21 if we can nmale Parca iy schedule for thet Ses oe ee te ane St of the trip if this is agreeable to youe it would be a pleasure for me to speek at your banquet if these arrangescnts ere satisfactory to yous May I hear from you soon so that I may cauplete my schedule for the week? Thanking you for your invitation, and with all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, - Varsity Basketball Coache PARSONS JUNIOR COLLEGE PARSONS, KANSAS E. F. FarngER, Dean March 4, 1938 Dr, 7. CG. Aliea, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas | fy dear Mr. Allen: Congratulations upon your championship season! That is getting to be almost a habit with you so I suppose it does not give you the thrill that it once did. You may know that the Parsons Junior College team is undefeated this season to date. The civic clubs of the city are planning a banquet for our boys to be given sometime durin Mare - Would it be possible for you to come as our guest speaker for that occasion? We shall not set the exact date until we hear from you. I think we can use any evening of that week which may be the most satisfactory with you. I sincerely hope that it will be possible for you to come and I know that our squad members will be delighted to have you here. Very sincerely yours, ag Zo E. F. Farner EFF:be March 4, 19380. Mire Bornard Freodman, Sports Editor, Mew Tork University Heights fadly Nous, Hew Yorks Dear Mr. Preedmens “This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of ea I will anewor your questions in orders le Tes the new ruling affected your style o? play? re Sedieeaa: © Oe tebe 06 Sek ten vey tank the hearst of the playerse 3 2e Do you fever the now ruling? Bos Se a I do not fever now rulins besause 1% is too etrem- ous on the heart, end a ie ee ee ae has : basketballs tush of the finesse and cleverness 4s sacrificed for a desire to rum the hearts out of the other fellowes | Director of | Education, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS DAILY NEWS UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS NEW YORK, N. Y. BERNARD FREEDMAN Sports Editor February 26, 1938 Mr. Phog Allen Head Baskethal1 Coach | ef t! nination of the center tap has had on the ‘game. of “basketball, and to determine the re- actions of the coaches of representative colleges through- out the United States to the elimination. To this end I would apprecicte it if you would answer the following questions concerning» the center tap: (1) Hes: the new ruling affected your style of ‘play? If so, how? (2) Do you favor the new ruling? (3) What are your’ reasons for your answer to question number two? Thenk you for your kind cooperation. Sincerely yours, BERNARD FREEDMAN, Sports Editor December 15, 1937~ Pes cage . Dear lire Foote: t greatly apyrestctd your writing we én ; naam eee iby hod spacing sc anailiaaaahaciind the tema to eat in Lewreuce after the games We leit Ottem immediately after the gamo and returned to ee t \ { ‘| warts Basketball Costly | ( Director of Bauswtoe) 1\ \ | | i } Be é t ii | fie 4 ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF LARGEST SAMPLE ROOMS IN CITY EUROPEAN PLAN WITH ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES CAFE A LA CARTE SERVICE WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE ay CONVENIENT GARAGES id. G: FOOT E., PROPRIETOR OTTAWA, KANS. 12.9237. Dr. F. ©, Allen. Lawrence, Kansas e Dear Mr. Allen;- The Foote Coffee Shop, solicits the patronage of you and your team, after the game tomorrow evening. No doubt you will want to feed the boys and we will be happy to serve you. If you will drop in on your way to the game, and tell us what you will want fer your boys and the number, we will be already for you after the game, or better still, give us & ring at our expense, Thank you very much and hoping to have the pleasure of serving you, we remain, Prop e ae Ze Y ae “ , : é 7 wr ‘ u en ‘ i aa re cs = P27

Denk Blidge, ib Nemsan Ciby, Mos Dear Howards ) ee ee I om sending you our basketball sehedule, saad tel war ag Peak Ge Galina en abide cone of the ganese The season ticket is $4.50 plus tases; single aduission to noo-conference games is a—«_ oO plus stete tase ‘ cc soi Meaeiotibic: 6 hd taken ae gule of basiwtball ticketa, ond I an sure he will a ee ae eee ee Mth best wishes, Ian | Vareity Basketball Conch, tirector of Physionl Bducaticus,. BANKERS Life COMPANY GERARD S. NOLLEN, Present DES MOINES, IOWA Speciat AGENT KANSAS CITY, MO., HOWARD H. FRANK 1805 FIDELITY BANK BLDG. PHONES—VICTOR 4817 November 26, 1937 RES. LEEDS 1172 ATTENTION OF: RE: No. Dre Fe C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I want to thank you for turning over my check to Mr. Falkenstien. The two tickets for the game were excellent, Knowing the mental strain under which both teams were playing, it is not difficult to understand the errors The Kansas line played a whale of a game. I am anxious to see another of "Phog" Allen's well coached basket-ball teams play this year. Can you give me some information on the tickets and schedule for the coming season? Thenks again. Ran é Rtwttne! x : Seca Yours ve sincerel } aS tent ttt hue fo 7 sé 4Oed © AL ot Qxng . _ toh MessaaSecieu eke es A, 3 Patt J A Mutual Legal Reserve Life Insurance Company Established 1879 Hovenber 15, 4827s Cole Ce Re Micha, 428 Chestemt Ste, Canevon, Tissourls — Deer Colonel Ce Ret | AB you mow, I have nothing te do with distribution of the football tickets this yeer, but aa turning over your request to ‘irs Karl Palkenstien, fineneial secretary of the | Athletic Associations : | i om afraid the comp proposition 4s out, as the ee eee iteclf badly in debt and they : are endeavoring to pay their bond ani interest payments, ‘= st all possible. The ries of the teksts ic {2s24y inatuding the en state tax. i have asked r, Falkonstien to lay aside three tickets for you, wt the Athletis Association ee. oe aay teen cs te ae tickets. The three tickets would be §Ge723 with 15¢ added for iusured postage, the wotel is §¢.37. If you will make your check payable te the k. 0. Athletic \esceiation I am sure you will receive from lite Falkenstion the best tickots ho hag Very streerely Youre, ied 5 5 ial ee : # 3 : ite : ise anh 1 ann f “Bh Maia a wt all harge of tholaat Mwrector of Piysies] Bducations f ¢ Your letter oneloving chow: Sur 06450 tae teen ST tummed over to = Tansee Clty, Moe My, Frank Be ‘Fisk, Saperintendent, Po November 3S» 1937 » ocasset Public Schools, Pocasset, Oklahoma. Dear Superintendent Fisk: This will acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 2nd instant. , You have permission te make the illustrations that = desire from "ily Basket- bald Bible". Thi - the first of . ee s ‘book is going out of print ember, and a be replaced etter Basketb a ineorpora > ng ett ace Tactics and Tales", lished by lic- ji 1B » of New York, book will 2 out about December 1. a : i am sending you a short description of the new btepc haere you would be interested in a@ newer trea the last minute, PCA:AH @ that brings basketball up to Very cordially yours, \ Director of Physical Education, Pocasset Public Schools Pocasset, Oklahoma 11 ©2=37 FRANK B. FiSK SUPERINTENDENT Dre FeCe Allen University of Kansas Lawerence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I have been using your book on Basket Ball some time and I wqnt to congratulate you on the explanations and illustration as well as your discussion of team play. Is it possible, Mr. Allen to have some of the iilustra- ¢ions as shown in your book which is copyrighte& in 1924 in shket form to show team members the form and positions as shown in book? i am especially interested in the following illustra- tions: Exhibit Ge4 pe BA " oi * & . Ge2 " 8&9 ; i ee 7 ie - i eae ~ EeA "112 . Ne4 * 125 * H-2 "13 HeS * 15 : ot : 131 = ied 153 . — = 122 . K-l * 160 . K=-2 *® 165 Please advise as to the cost. _ 7 Tours t yZ . Pigs PRE