Decanber 50, 1987s on Son tae Dear Friend Fields: Yes, indeed, I remember the years back at Sth and at the old Kansas City Athletic Club where wo really took ¢ Missourl Athletic Club to o trimming, then essayed to tear tho pecerd of tho Buffalo Goman YallsCulle outtit fron Dutfaoy Bow Save Those were great years, with Ceorge Creel fron mdence, Claude Jolmson of the Kansas City Ster, and a : ten of the Kanone City Yostnal ~ 1 an not cure whether the Fost was in oxistonoe at that tine, or mote | Z agree with you that those wore wonderful daye end I am a y to recall them, Uowever, $0 congtadas go tig pow Remaontgempeny! Sei at Caamaebiin Gate jue coubatin tom sue tpkeibelie wes Ge year end ie taking a finishing course there. Uy brother, He By . (Pete) Allen, with the rank: of Major, is located at Stanford and has been there a couple of years. If you ever got arowurd thet wy he will bo hapoy indeed te see yous. t have three grandchildren, and have already hed two children graduate fron the tmiversity. I heave a son who is a SUES Mee year, Hel Car yomieeet Geugitar Se 8 Goreme Me high school, Ty, how time flies! . I trust that overything is going woll with yous Thank you for the elippinge. It wis interesting. Not every great conch agrees with his coutanporarios. With icavect regaide ex beet wisheo for « baviy and prose porous New Year, I em ue Sincerely yours, ee ee ae