THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE is ik daa eaadaiiantiens UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY September 10, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Verifying our conversation of yesterday, we shall be glad to offer the extension course in Kansas City, Missouri #176, Tests and Measurements in Physical Education, for esraduate or undergraduate credit. In order to get this into a bulletin and have it properly ok*ted I shall appreciete it if Dr. Lapp will write out the description, include the day and hour on which he would prefer to give the course in Kansas City, and submit the information to you. k& should then be approved by Dean Stouffer of the Graduate School and Dr. Schwegler of the School of Education. The recommendation for approval of the course should come from you as head of the department. In submitting the information to me, will you please indicate the schools in which this course will give credit and include a list of the men whom Dr. Lapp feels will be interested in the course. We shall then prepare an outline and send the publicity material to a large number of prospective students for the course in the greater Kansas City area. I wish to thank you for your interest in this course and to assure you of our full cooperation at all times. The possible dates in Kansas City are Wednesday at 4:30 or 7:30; Thursday at 4:30 or 7:30; and Saturday morning. Because most of the people interested will be physical education people, I judge that it would be best to hold it at night or on Saturday morning. GVK:mle Assistant’Director Ean. : lite Ce de Olander, Budeva, Kausate : Dear ire Olanders Sede Vins teu pais et ane Ub aie I em glad ta imow that you aajoyed your course in cur departnent this sumer, . @md we are hoping that we may cartimue aud expand our gamer sersion offeringse I om glad to wow of your interest in extencion classes in Kensas Gity. “se are wording aith tre Guy “ecler, who is in charge of this bureau, end carly iu Seytember I an to have a ouifevence with hig regarding the advieability of offering au extension clace this winters ee ee be mades Wath all good wishes, I an | lirector of Physical Education, FGA! | Varsity Basketball Coaches ede dat fac Jon : Mo! fn hadley th afin a ey Public Schools, Ransas City, Missouri tet oda GEORGE MELCHER, SUPERINTENDENT DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOLS 1107 LOCUST STREET LES L. WARREN, SUPERVISOR August 6, 1938 Dr. F.C. Allen, Dean Department of Physical Educatio Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Verifying the conversation held with you last week, I am sure that if given proper assurance by your department we could arrange courses to be held here in Kansas City this winter and taught by Dr. Lapp. Before leaving Lawrence, I talked to several of the men in that class that are convenient to Kansas City and four of us signified our desires to take additional work with Dr. Lapp. I have since talked to several men in Kansas City and I believe that we can organize a class on graduate level of about ten men and probably more. Without polishing apples, I would like to say that the course with Dr. Lapp this summer was one of the finest I have ever had in Physical Education. I learned more statistics in that class in one week than I learned in the regular educational statistics class in a whole eight weeks period. Dr. Lapp has a wide know- ledge of Physical Education tests, their administration and instruction. If I am able to get back to Lawrence next summer I would like very much to have other courses in Physical Education. I think Kansas University is to be congratulated on the institu- tion of this new department as it certainly has been needed in this part of the country for the past ten or fifteen years, and I know of no one I would rather see as head of the department than yourself. Sincerely es GwrtJ Soph f es Shepherd, Supervisor of Athletics JS:TLH May 8, 1942. Mr. Harold G,. Inghan, Director, Extension Division, University of Kensas. Dear Harold: In reply to your 1 of May 6th, I am noting on my calendar the dates of the Fire College, Septenber 8 to 11, inclusive. I assure you it will be « pleasure to cooperate with you in presenting something on the value of first aid training. 7 Concerning the use of the swimring pool by the Girls' State from June 14 to 21, inclusive, we shall be happy to have the same arrangement that we had last yeer. Miss Woover says that Aletha Shuss is a very satisfactory “ person to supervise the recreation period in the pool. fie | Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOCA:AE Varsity Basketball and’ Baseball Coach. Miss Hoover says Aletha Shuss is very satis- factory, but of course it would be better to Miss Shuss is a good wwimmer, very responsible, enthusiastic and likable, and Miss Hoover thinks she is a very desirable girl to handle the re- creation program in the swimming pool for the e t s ' pee State. yf 2 aL In, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR May 6, 1942. Dr.Forrest 0. Allen, Head, Dept. of Physical Education, Robinson Gymnasium, Campus. Dear "Phog": Confirming our conversation this noon, I am planning on you to appear on the program of our Fire College next September. ijhat we want you to do is to sell the value of First Aid training, especially for all of those connected with the fire service and a majority of those who are serving as volunteers in emergency defense activities, before an audience which is somewhat apathetic. As I explained to you during our conversation, we feel that you can do the job better if we make no mention of "First Aid" in the title, so we are proposing as the title for your talk, "Emergency Treatment of In- dustrial and Defense Injuries", but shall be glad to have you modify it in Ae any way that you desire. ae The Fire College is scheduled for the four days from Septem- ' ber 8 to 11 inclusive, and we will want your talk on one of the forenoon programs. However, . think we can arrange the exact day to suit your con— venience, if you have any preference. In connection with the entertainment of the Kansas Girls' State oe Hage on seated ofakg, inclusive, we would like to have the use of the swimming vale poofeach afternoon of the school week for a. period of approximately two eet hours. I believe that the arrangement last year gave these girls the use ee a of the pool from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon, but the exact period is not ae essential and the time can be shortened to an hour and a half, if this seems advisable in order to accommodate the regular students in the Summer Session es and others who desire access to these facilities, We The officers of the Kansas American Legion Auxiliary, which ae is sponsoring the Girls' State, are very anxious to make use of Aletha Shuss, | oy a student in the University, as director of the recreational program and to ee supervise the swimming pool. Miss Shuss holds the Red Cross Junior Life Saving Certificate. I should add that the committee in charge expects to comply with the same request that was made last year in having an adult coun- selor present at the swimming pool each afternoon while the members of the ee Girls' State are in the pool. Se I shall be glad to know at your early conveniente whether Miss Shuss will be satisfactory to you and you faculty as the supervisor of this activity. Cordialiy yours,- ee : 2 EET ee POON i Se ee EE eee a a a a a on Te CODY Rn ME oP tae eae ee RT eE ROT Ne MET REL a TL ON aN yee Oc eee Raa MMe Peer ORES ts eae ees feat, ra ve ; aire : ¥ re ¥ THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION _ UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING _ BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION August 6, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen, 105 Robinson Gyn, Kansas University. Dear Dr. Allen: Just a note to confirm our conversation of Monday, August 4, in which we discussed several matters. : We are all delighted thet you will be able to address the banquet meeting of the firemen on Wednesday night, September 5. We don't know definitely whether it will be held at wWiedemann's or at the Colonial, but will let you know in plenty of time. It probably Will be held at 6:30. 8250. I have seen lir. Harris and will see the custodian of the Gym concerning the placement of the hospital cots in the gymmasiun for use during the Fire School. They are now located in the Sigma Kappa sorority house and will be moved as soon as summer school is over. I shall also talk to the custodian of Robinson Gym about the possibility of the swimming pool being open and the use of the showers during the time these men are here on the campus. I have a note on my desk showing that we owe the Department of Physical Education $4.20 for labor etc., in getting equipment and places ready for play for the girls who were here during Girls' State. Thank you again for your many past favors. Cordially yours, Dos ae Kuck In Charge Short Courses and Institutes LG: dj Seer Bovenber 5, 1941 a Mr. Leo Gammell University Extension Division Fraser Hall Campus I acknowledge sof . of your letter and check. Thank you very mich. = | : fa Sincerely, Director of Physical Baucation and Recreation Fca/pe Varsity, Basketball end Baseball Coach e THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING LAWRENCE BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION November 4, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen, Robinson Gym, Campus. Dear Dr. Allen: Please find enclosed a check for %4.50 covering the expense of your staff in preparing the grounds for Girl's State last summer. You will notice by the date that it was dravn the e4th and I fully intended to drop in on your desk last Wednesday just before our volley-ball workout. Something came up at the last minute and I forgot to bring it. We do so much appreciate what you folks do for us all the time and even though this check is months late, it is simply due to my putting off rather than a reluctance to take eare of our obligations. Thanking you for your past favors and be assured that we are very grateful for your patience, I am Cordially yours, Lpe Gemmell, In Charge Short Courses and Institutes LG: aj Ene. October 25, 1941 Mise Ruth Kenney University Extension Division fraser Hall Campus Dear Miss Kenney, Your letter of the 22nd enclosing carbon copy of the letter which you wrote tir. DeGroot is hichly satisfactory. I do not believe that another letter is necessary. This one is very plain. | | 3 Thank you very Sincerely, ) Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Ca THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION October 22, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen Physical Education Department 105 Robinson Gym. University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am enclosing a copy of the last letter I wrote to Mr. DeGroot on the 13th of October. It seems to me this letter explains in full why Mr. DeGroot was paid only for the summer worke In checking our records we find that Mr. DeGroot took over the grading of the papers in Track and Field in the summer of 1940. During that summer he handled seventy-five papers and on the September, 1940, payroll he was paid for that work. In the fall of 1940 he handled ten papers; in the spring of 1941 forty=seven:papers. You will note in my letter I told him that work done during the year while he was a full time employee of the University would have the be counted as part of his teaching load. In the summer of 1941 Mr. DeGroot handled forty papers and we mailed him his vouchey #22936, for $12.00 on the llth of October, 1941. Under the circumstances do you think it is necessary to write to Mr. DeGroot again? Sincerely yours, Secretary RK-bb Bureau of Correspondence Study enCe THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION LAWRENCE October 13, 1941 Mr. E. B. DeGroot, Jr. Director of Physical Training 4th Air Force 4057 Elmwood St. Riverside, Calif. — Dear Mr. DeGroot: your letter of October 10, advising that all the course is a set of lesson sheets, two Jam juestions, and the seven record cards. Under the circunst it Wsn't necessary for you to eturn any of that material ta us We have alréady sent - sheck, which we obtained from the Business Office, for hat you read this summer. Perhaps it wasn't explained tq \you by the/Fhysical Education Department, or perhaps we failed to mek : mx, but for a good many years it has been the ruling megents that full time faculty members are not to be paid fo ence the year. In a few cases over the’ gampr S Education Department), this ruljig & str tl adhered to. Last : a the Budget rigidly enforced. t the matter, but p fall and forty- tof your teaching work to which Committee decided that regulation would nike to b I am sorry that. there was any misunderstanding ab the papers that you read during the year (ten in t seven in the spring) will have to be counted as p load, and perhaps took the place of some commit you might otherwise have been assigned. Thank you very much for your cooperation in helping us with this work. Kind personal regards and best wishes to you. Sincerely yours, Secretary 3 RK: eh Bureau of Correspondence Study October 21, 1941 - Mr. Lee Gemmell University Extension Division Fraser Hall Campus Dear Lee, You kmow how much I hate to bother you about this $4.50 that we spent for your department this summer out of our funds. Please send this at your earliest convenience, because after while we'll spend more than $4.50 worrying. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach |