May 8, 1942. Mr. Harold G,. Inghan, Director, Extension Division, University of Kensas. Dear Harold: In reply to your 1 of May 6th, I am noting on my calendar the dates of the Fire College, Septenber 8 to 11, inclusive. I assure you it will be « pleasure to cooperate with you in presenting something on the value of first aid training. 7 Concerning the use of the swimring pool by the Girls' State from June 14 to 21, inclusive, we shall be happy to have the same arrangement that we had last yeer. Miss Woover says that Aletha Shuss is a very satisfactory “ person to supervise the recreation period in the pool. fie | Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOCA:AE Varsity Basketball and’ Baseball Coach.