THE RESOURCE-FULL KANSAS SXHIBIT Lawrence, Kansas. November 1, 2, 3, 1959 Purpose. ‘The National Cornhusking Contest will bring to Lawrence on November 1, 2, 3, 1939 some 150,000 people, mostly a very substantial class of farmers. According to estimate, about two-fifths of the expected crowd will come from Kansas and the remainder from other states. This gathering has been made the occasion for extensive demonstrations by commercial organizations of all types of farm equipment, and in addition, it has seemed desirable for the State of Kansas to prepare a display for the purpose of advertising its resources and important achievements. Such a display should be informative to Kansans and a feature of interest to out-of-state visitors. The aim of the R&SOURCH-FULL KANSAS #XHIBIT is to give clear presentation of the varied physical resources of the Stato, charactoristics of its human ro- sources, and work along many lines in devclopment of those resources leading to production of wealth, culture, and general well being in Kansas. Organization. Exhibits will bo grouped in four main divisions that cor- respond to the formula: NATURAL RESOURCES + PHOPLE + WORK = ACHIEVEMENT (1) Exhibits relating to tho Natural Resources of Kansas will appropri- atoly undertake to indicate the environment of the Stats, its geographic setting, nature of the land surface, climate, soils, surface and underground water sup- plies, richness in minoral doposits, and character of its plants and animals. (2) Tho People of Kansas include a romnant of its carly Indian popula- tion, descondants of pionoor whito sottlers of variod national origins, later immigrants, and a host of nativo Kansans belonging to recent decades. Exhibits to show tho background and present status of Konses population according to various groupings, its distribution, education, occupation, health, and social, roligious and civil organization are pertinent to a well-rounded picture of our State. (3) Work in Kansas comprises all activities, individual and colloctivc, of the people in utilizing physical resources and factors of their environment. Here belong exhibits relating to agriculturo, the mincral industries, manu- facturing, marketing and trade, transportation, communication, banking and in- surance, professional services, public utilitios, cultural pursuits, and recreation. (4) Achiovement is the product of work by poople in development of Kenscs rosources. Exhibits showing the total and por capita wealth in various cate- gorios, physical improvemonts of the country, cultural accomplishments, and the nature of institutions and organizations, including departments of State govern-= ment, belong herc. The oxhibits, os outlined, are being prepared by the several State de- partments and institutions and by a few other agencies. The displays will bo arranged in booths 10 feet deep by 10, 20, 30 or more feet in width. About 90 space units 10 by 10 feet will be requirod, and adjoining these, provision is being made for some commercial exhibits, primarily related to development of Kansas. Tho RSSOURCE-FULL KANSAS EXHIBIT will bo housed in a very fine, nearly brand new tent moasuring 80 feet wide and 500 feet long. This tent, with