WORK (cont'd) 9. Public service: Weter and utilities; hospitals; librarics 10. Culturel activitios: Art, Music, Theatro, Literature 11. Recreation: Athletics, travel, otc, IV - ACHIEVEMENT 1. Wealth: Property valuation, total and per capita; Annual income, total and por capita, by groups (agricultural, mining, manufacturing, etc.) 2, Culture: Contributions to Art, Music, Literature, Drama 3. Government dopartmonts and institutions: Logislative departmontst Sonate, Houso, Legislative Council Exccutivo departments: Governor, Attorney General, otc. Judicial departments Service dopartments: Health, Highways, Geological Survey, Corpo ra~ tion, Banking, etc. State schools: University, Agricultural Collego, Teachors’ Colleges, etc. 4, Churches, Privato colleges, librarics, hospitals, etc. 5. Cities, rural organizations, highway systen 6. State parks and other recreational facilities Information about booths. Detailed information concerning dimonsions and construction of oxhibit booths will be available in the near future. Likewise, instruction will be furnishod on tho installetion of oxhibits, their care during the time of the public showing and their removal afterward,