THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY June 9, 1944 Dr, Fs Cy Allee Dept. of Physical Education Dear Dr. Allen: Following a conversation with Mrs. Hulteen rela- tive to the case of Leonard Roy I am willing, if you also approve, that he should make up as many unexcused absences in Physical Conditioning as you see fit to require, I have told him 6 go to his instructor about the matter next Monday. Mr. Russell Schnee has been remiss about getting his report from his physician, but I learn on talking with him that he is nearly 58 years.old. On Dr. Canuteson's advice I have been exempting men of that age and I think that is the best procedure in his case, | Mr. Henry L. Callahan has been much at fault, but he is @ senior engineer close to graduation and I am inclined to be lenient in his case. He has been cut- ting Physical Conditioning to go on survey parties with Prof. McNown. As he gets outdoor exercise of several hours a week on this work I think we could, by stretch- ing a point, excuse him for those periods; and I recom- ment thatthis be done. Prof. McNown has not known that he was cutting and Callahan has certainly not behaved as he should, but if he is put out of school now he will go at once into the Army. Otherwise he will be in the Army in a few weeks but with his degree and with a clear record and I am inclined to help him that much whether he deserves it or not. I hope you approve. Sincerely yours j " AJM/bn A, J. Mik, Chairman Committee on Physical Conditioning