Dre Ae Je Mix University of Kansas Dear Dre Mize Thane puplla hie stanninted Shiee iv tore ensued absences and have today been notified of thete Anthony, Tolbert Virgil ) 1541 Temessee Sartling, Gilbert Sdward 1302 We. Campus Bouska, Janes 1111 W. llth Dresser, Calvin Virgil 3) 1220 Rhode Island BBean 1218 Mississippi 1lll We Lith , 1430 Louisiana 616 Maine Edmondson, Charles Se Be Harding, Otie Samuel Jehnéon, Wine Re Ga tn me ee Kendall, Weslee )} 1215 Tennesseo Kernick, Andress é 1420 Tennessse Kettner, Melvin — 2 - 1602 Louisiana King, Loren & 1106 Vermont Poe, Allen Dale 5) 1331 Ohio ; Riehel, Edward de ts 1216 Mississippi Robertson, Ralph 3 1245 indiana Roy, Leonard We. 4 816 Maine | : Springe, Richard: 3 1218 Mississippi | Sutherland, Dwight De (5) 1818 Migsiesi pp& eS: Thomas, James (5 1218 Miesissi ppi Wyman, Donald Max (3 1218 Mississippi Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education