Dre Ae de Mix University of Kansas Dear Dre Mixes April 5, 1944 in regard to your letter of April $, we wish to report that Otis S. Harding is still delinquent, having 6 absences. the following students have accumulated three or more Adams, Jerry Arrowsmith, Murray Bales, Jerald Bates, Clifford Bouska, James Case, James Colter, Jacob Cottom, Melvin Dresser, Calvin Edmondson, Charles Harding, Otis Harkness, Charles Heneley, Tom Hollingsworth, Richard Jelinek, Bob Johnson, William R, Kendall, “eslee Kennedy, Charles Kernick, Andress Krische, George — lamb, Lawrence Malott, Robert Marshall, William Mueller, James ugele, Arvesta absences and have been notified of theme 8 Carruth Hall rie 11 We llth 1408 Tennessee 1023 Vermont 1111 W. llth 1218 Mississi pp, 1111 We llth 1118 Connecticut 1220 Rhode Island 1218 Mississippi 11ll W,. llth Battenfeld Hall 1411 Kentucky 1323 Ohio Battenfeld Hall 1111 We lith 816 Meine 1115 Tennessee 1233 Oread 1420 Tennessee 206 We 15th Ste Battenfeld Hall Lilac Lane 1308 Ohio 1301 We Campus 816 Maine 1011 Tennessee 1014 Miesissippi 1218 Migsissippi 1145 Indiana