7 SL 10 ll 12 13 14 u 17 18 ou day basketball will far surpass any benefits which might otherwise be gained. 5 Restore the center jump and rotate the jumpers at center after each goal just as the batting order of the baseball players is administered. Then you will contribute to this present dizzy game its much needed remedy for the peesemt over-fatigue of the players. ec cibbibaantniret Habe center jump was Server snerity to speed up the game. Other arguments for its elimination offered by its proponents were (L) it put the officials in the background; (2) it was difficult to control; (3) there were variations in toss-ups by the vies (4) players collided with officials; (5) there can be from six to eight minutes of actual playing time added to the game -~ so oleeieaettielay higher scores; (6) the tempo of the entire contest would be accelerated | and thus would add to spectatorgappeal we gate receipts. eae In justice to the minority, there were & few coaches at this, meeting wR —- that the elimination of the tip-off might add to the over-fatigue. of the players, put this was merely a subjective conjecture and was dismissed 9 rosin Uo rats. change ; without serious consideration. \xfhe officiating, the spec&ators, the gate receipts, and higher scores were wa considered pin-—meking—this—rete—cheneee