ea ae Bie “Had any tickets been allowed, he would not have sub- ‘mitted the expense report. - - = - - - it is also un- usual that 2 school's team competing receives such a small amount of the receipts end is not allowed any complimentary tickets for those who ordinarily receive them to events in which their teams are competing." As stated earlier, the implication is plain that the Maneger of the games was discourteous to Kansase He certainly was not only discour- teous, but very foolish, if your statements were true. But, Gwinn, someone "discovered" something that I did everything in my power to avoide I met the Kansas coach end team at the station when the party arrived in Kensas City on Thursday. One of my first remarks covered the com- plimentary situation and I told Dr. Allen, that while we wished to keep complimentaries to a minimum, I expected him to let me know just how many he would need. He said that there was a2 movement on foot when he left Lawrence to have all Kansas officials buy their own tickets. I insisted that such an act would be very embarrassing to me; requested that it not be handled in thet way; and again asked his assistance in _ distribution of passes to proper Kansas people. That night I called a meeting of coaches end veferees. The Stanford and Rice coaches were delayed by rail connections. Present..were coaches Allen and Cox; four referees; and Reaves Peters. There I outlined details of the pass regulations which included two arena | ‘ ‘paleony seats for each member of the school's traveling squad; and extra tickets to a coach who meeded them for official representatives . of his school. (Gooperation was asked for the protection of all, but I made it emphatic that since Kensas was so close to Kansas City, that school probably would require more passes than any of the otherse This was justified, I explained also, by the fect that Kansas patrons un= questionably would be liberal in their support of the tournament. Another meeting wes held on Friday morning, with only the four coaches in attendance. It wes wxpected that game arrangements would be dis- cussed, and I had tickets on hand for distribution. The opening topic concerned the type of backboards to be used. Over Dre Allen's vigorous protest, the majority voted for gaass beckstops~-= the vote of the Managersmaking a 3 to 2 result. Immediately, Dr. Allen left the meeting, 2lthough mech other business was not touched. I pleaded for him to stay and suggested again that I wanted to discuss the complimentary situation with him. I was informed, curtly, that there was nothing more to discussSe From 1:30 Pe Me to 4:00 P. M., I tried to reach him by 'phone==he elected to stay at another hotel than headquarters-= but couldn't catch