Mre My Se Stowart, $19 No. Michigan AvVGes Chicago, Tllinoise Dear i. Stewart: Your kind letter of December 17th came to ny desk during the Christzas season. I was particularly eccupied at thet time with basketball practice, and the mail on my desk was not handled as promptly as it should have been. For that reason your letter has been unanswered. I presume that it is rather late now to send a@ list of names to you. I do not have a special list and it would take @ite some time to prepare a mailing list for you. Since it is so late I believe we better let it go. | I am very sorry for my failure to cooperate with you earlier on this, but it was unintentional, I assure yous Very sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.