PS, (Mr. Ralph Cannon) 1. Doos modern basketball require more stanina, better health, and condition than when you played? 2. Does modern basketball represent a health hazard? He asks that I be kind enough to write a brief statement relative to the two questions mentioned. He further states that he is at @ loss to understand why you asked him to write the article, but possibly it is merely the duty of the secretary of the National Association of Basketball Coaches to collect the opinions of the You can naturally see, Ralph, why I would not want to answer that question inmediately because I have already answered that in my article. Will you kindly keep this confidential because Marsh is & very good friend of mine, and while I want to cooperate with hin, I will answer him telling him that I am preparing an article for youe In that article I have stated what I consider the hasards to health in modern basketball. After you have seen my article * and passed on it, one wey or the other, then I will be in position