Hovember 3, 1941 Mr. Ralph Cannon re Macazine :; Michigan Ave. Chicago, Tllinois Dear Mr. Cannon, Thank you for your kind words of the 30th ultimo concerning our contribution of the basketball article. I've always enjoyed working with newsmen because they're perfectly frank and tell you what they want or what they do not want. In thet way, it is easy to work with them. | Regarding the center jump. I expected that your poll would _ show the ratio indicated because the center jump has been out quite some times and too, it's very difficult to advocate any change in the rules that people are not doubtful about et first. Change is always womething the human race is neyer ready fo and becomes accustomed to only slowlye There was @ greet build-up against the center jump by a great many people who objected to the domination of the game by the tall fellow at conter. As I stated in my article, the real damage was done by the tall man under the basket. But the prejudice persisted in so many minds and still exists anong the opporents of the center jump for the reason just stated. I wrote Marshall Diebold and told hin that I hac he asked by you for an article, therefore, I thought it wou ae for me to reserve what arguments I had for my article, rather than for me to pass them on to hime ~ : Again, thank you for your kindness.’ [I assure you that it was & pleasure to do this assignment for you and for Esquire. Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA/pE Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach