December 9, 1940 Mro LeEe Means Sales Director SafeePlay Goggles Coe Beloit Beloit, Wisconsin ‘Dear lr. Meanss I have just sent the following wire: "Whats wrong now with our glasses shipments We play tonighte Reply Western Union.* I cannot refrain from registering my dis- sappointment concerning the service that we have gotten and We certainly thought that since the breakage came with so-called wmbreakable glasses you would hasten shipment, but we heve had nothing but delays on the orders . games with the University of Texass one tonight and tomorrow night, and it is a big disappointment to us to not have better services S In your letter of November 28 you state that d receive them very shortly and this is December 9» FOAslg Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach