Octeber 30, 1941 Athletic Director Beloit Collece Beloit, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Means, I am more than weakly protesting against the Certificate of Insuracne No. 0352 for splinterless lenses which you en- closed with Warvin Sollenberger*s glasses which you returned after you'd repaired them, I wish to recall an accident which occurred when Sollenberger had his face cut when the giasses were broken. t am very certain that such insurance policies which are of no true benefit have the negative inference, because they cause people to feel that they do have insurance when as @ matter of fact the insurance proves to be of no value. Don't you think this is improper advertising? I have no ill- will, but I do not like this sort of thing. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education end Recreation PcA/pe | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach