Mr. John Buescher 801 We 7th Street Beardstowm, Illinois Dear Johns Siar sic: cium 'aieh wows Sade ge With Nove Gal dnd 44 pos on: stand a little more work and not have your eligibility suffer, I assure you So ee a ee os but eh on See ey A pnuine pleasure for Urse Allen and me to visit in Beardstom aud nest your anilye Give ‘them all our kindest regardse ‘By the way, t talked to wise Kenney last night and she stated | : that you would not be able to finish your correspondence so that you could panpreagh ign ~Songety garreihons ee a eee irae Leena. in the Geroan language we eal} those protcelas Veen chee ur Kindeet coapetd to ink Debcbenier. I thought he was & fine boye By the way, I am writing Art and sending him one of ‘sg Bettor Basketball books for his perusal, I thought he would enjoy roadilig it end when he finishee 1t he can mi] it back to | hve my Rtmdent regards to dehs Chsnn ont the Clean household a well ae the Kuhlss ae tee Sener ae © Fey Of Stan preety S ‘With all good wishes, Tan, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach