and went to Oklahoma. I ask you, does a fellow want a case of small pox? I am very sure that if Comnissioner Atherton of the Pacif-= ic Coast were commissioner of the Big Six, he would declare ir. fucker ineligible to compete at any plece in the Conference. {i would not be surprised to see something still happen, and I do not believe thet you can blame Ure Tucker as you can blame some coaches who have been tremendously interested in seeing the boys. migrate even after they hed count toon tes Frankly, I tell you Edn. not dekh bie 00 ny prices He te a marked man in this Conference end I would not want to be Bruce Drake or Gerald Tucker when that team visits Wenhetten or Lawrences. Personally, I have never been afraid of the “Boy from Winfield", and I think we will do a sizable job in taking care of the young man when we meet him. I am not sorry beeause I have been feé up on these sters who feel that they Imow more than the coaches. And if I am a good prognosticator, I figure the boy will make | & let of grief for himself ond his coaches: before he graduates. - Thank you, "cepB"for your gond wintion; and r assure you that I will be gled to get the personnel dope on the "Kid Coach from Oklahoma" who has coached only about eleven years but has Bot bad OF Oe SP Sento horeterery ee in the want two yeearse sineerely Yours Director of Physical Educetion and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach