DIVISION IV—Continued Prerequisite Time Day Course ; Courses Cr. Bldg. Rm. Instructor MUSIC (2) % APPLIED MUSIC 7 :30-10 :00p.m. We OO PCNES ULE scree eee oe eee tor te re es deg Seg ieee oly 1 Wiley Appt. : 7:30 TESS ore cee ees fv Ne eh a a ear oN aee oe 1 Wiley 4:30 TT Mens: Glee: Clube ie oe ee ie Wilkins 4:30 MT: Womens: Glee Clipe. 252 ee 1% Peabody 4:80 MTT: 7A? Gappella Choir? 0.025. 2.0...- 1 Swarthout Appt ecAppt:s HeIAnO|| els ee 2-yrss of Piano:=._- 1-2 Appt. Appt. 1 yr. Piano and 1-2 lyr. Voice Appt. Appt: “Violin}| (20) os see 2 yrs. of Violin.......... 1-2 Appi cAppt., Organl|) eke es 1 yr. Organ and 1-2 2 yrs. Piano Appt. Appt. \Violoncello||. 39) 251 ek, 2 yrs Piano and 1-2 Swarthout 2 yrs. ’Cello 7Students in Harmony I will be given an examination in Music Fundamentals after the first four weeks. Those failing to pass wil] enroll in Harmony 0 for no credit. §Courses 69 and 70 are not open for credit to students taking 41, 43, 71, and 72, and vice versa. {Recording laboratory is required in this course in addition to class periods, by appointment. £Recording laboratory is required in this course in addition to class periods, meeting every Saturday at 11:30. °A maximum of six hours credit is allowed for band, orchestra, glee club, and a cappella choir, the maximum allowed either of the glee clubs being three hours. This is classified as Freshman-Sophomore credit. ||Junior-Senior credit in piano, voice, violin, organ, and violoncello is classified as professional credit. PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Men) All civilian men, other than those excused by the Physical Conditioning Administrative Committee (Dr. A. J. Mix, chairman) are required to enroll in one of the conditioning classes listed below, and may receive one hour of credit unless they have already earned four hours of credit in Physical Education: Conditioning Classes Time Days Building : BEBO he ee SON MWF ee Stad S380) oo. IN chow Pi Stad SO a ee, Stad i ey, MWF _......:: Bie 3% Stad Shs MWE 2 Path Ss, Stad Ae bo ea ea MWE 257 ee: Stad Men in the V-12 Navy program must enroll in one of Qe @ingses listed below. They will receive one hour of credit unless they have already earned four hours of credit in Physical Education: Time Days Building og ee MTWTF .....2%! . R 200 Gb oe MTWIF ...~~¢. R 200 D2: at MTWTF _..#2% R 200 156 ee MTWTF 2.74. R 200 foe MTWTF +se R 200 ay MTWTF 24h). R 200 SG ia MTWTEFE ....... “oe cae R 200 4.630 g P22) ALK