DIVISION 1V—Concluded Prerequisite No. Time Day Course Courses Gr. Bldg. Rm. Instructor PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Women)—Continued 3:30 MWEF Adv. Social Dance ................ Elem. Social ........... % R 102 4°30 MOWED) Sc Square lance ii rer panes eee eee ee eee, % R 102 Hoover 33024230 11 Squane Dance: cote asin ee Be ale eae iy % R 102 Hoover 1130-12300 TE Ndvs iho Dance? 220 ui, Elem. Folk Dance —. % R 102 930-3300. EL Ady. Tap Dance -~............... Blem.Tap Dance _. % R 102 10230-11230 7 TE Recreational Sports % R 102 Stapleton 130 MAWES ag lem iim blimp ste iss cat eee oi aan eat %.R 102 2:30 MW Inter. Equitation (2.2... Elem. Equitation _. % R 202 2:30 Te Inter. Equitation ‘ Elem. Equitation _. % R 202 4:30 MW Inter. Equitation = 5 Blem: Haultation 2 = 46. R202 4:30 Ty Inter. Equitation _._.. Elem. Equitation _. % .R. 202 3300 MW Adve -Mauitavion | 222.2. Inter. Equitation _. % R_ 202 3:30 red Ady; Wquitation. <..2- = Inter. Equitation _. % R_ 202 11330 MW Ady cmquitation. (55) 3 iy Inter. Equitation _. % R_ 202 4:30-5:30 TT Mdy- Wencing) wa a: Elem. Fencing % R 102 Men and Women 36 8:30 caMiWE. Hist: and- Pring of Physical wdc. -).45 3 RR, 202 Shenk RELIGION (See Note) il 11:30 TT The English Bible ...............,......0. ee: = c 9 My. B Barr *11 1:30 Tu Hebrew History I 1 My.B Mayerberg a2 11:30 MWE ‘Wife and-Teachings of Jesus ’.2:000 2. 8 My.B Barr 51 2:30 Tu Old Testament Literature 1)0 2) 2... 1 My.B Mayerberg (the 20:00 pam. a Sociali Teachines-of Jesus) - 022 ee 1 My.B Barr 80 8:30 rT Development of Christian- Chitreh 2 ase 2° My. BL Price 83 2:30 MWE New Testament and Modern Thought —.. 8° My. B> Price Note:—Students in the College are permitted to enroll in courses offered by the Kansas School of Religion and count credit received for such work toward the degree of Bachelor of Arts, with the provisions (1) that the total number of hours of such credit shall not exceed six hours, (2) that not more than three hours of such work may be taken in courses giving underclass credit. [ 24]