DIVISION I—Field A—Concluded Course PREREQUISITE No. / Src CouRSsE Cur neae Cr.| Time Day Room] Bupe. INSTRUCTOR ] ae AND DRAMA A; |, Hundamentals of Speechis ich. ei. eee ee os 2 8:30 MWF 103 G Anderson Begiebundamentals of Speech:.7..).. «sce vase sass ec 2 9:30 MWE 103 G Barton Ci Pundsmentalis of Speech! Vii... e550. ecg 5 2 eo: 2 10:30 MWF 105 G Barton Di | bundamentals: of Specchs .. |< cise ven sles ais wie oe 2 10:30 MWEF 104 G Calderwood Hie hundamentals of Speecho ts. |s.s tcc os oaheces die es 2 11:30 MWFE 103 G Calderwood Hi Hundamentals of Speeches: .j<|:. (.utewe. ose. ous 2 11:30 MWF iby F Dixon G -|sFundamentals of Speeches |6ic sa he oc cee so oe 2 1:30 MWEF 105 G Dixon e diy |< Wundamentals of Speechis. 14)... b 5. (eae + oo 2 1:30 MWEF 103 G Anderson I Bundamentals of Speech. «ils ssc ca-ss sss ses © 2 2:30 MWF 105 G Barton *2, Read. and Interpretation. 1, lo0...60..5....6.. 2 9:30 Tas 103 G Anderson *1 eoeletund: of Play Production: | ls... .-5 sone s 3 1:30 MWEF a G Barton * A | Extempore Speaking....... Teor i sin Ween 2 9:30 TT Bu lenG Buehler 5 B | Extempore Speaking....... dios Sie uae 2 2:30 ee 103 G Buehler — 02. |... Woting EE eect cone ee Baie eetccrie ces cas 2 AECL UA LOM: 3:0)55525 00 ee Cas sel | sow eee he ie welt ass 10:30° Tee 3 G Calderwood Pa boratory. oo .\sc0c io oes aeeis se lessen ee peels L130 ae 3 G —__- per raiacr || ObAteCrAlt: 4... ues pe Aleta hoa ee 2 | 1:30-3:20 VE 3 | G_ | Dixon u“ 45 mherNlotion. Picture... casks sas cs oes een ss 2 WSCture 4. ee osc ee elo ue ee eG eee here lees 3:30-5:00 Ww. 103 G Crafton / Pictures seats cose sats len eet ee ado stes 3:30-5:30 M Fras. F Crafton J Thea. 6 Discus. and Argumentation | 4 hrs. of Speech 3 10:30 MWE 2 G Buehler 71 Radio Dramatic Production } 70............... 3 i FROGILA TON. Gao ert ee Sul Gete iene soo metas | uners 2:30 MWE 103 | G Calderwood Taboratory oso ae eee ls. eae ec cies ewes 3:30 MWF 3 G Calderwood 154 Play Directing io sce. wee PUR a eewastignics asote a 3 AVECIUAUTION 2s ees el Se es ie ne eee 10:30~ MWEF 3 G Crafton Weaporatory:co esas alc vee os oe Se alas 2:30 MWF 3 G Crafton ' 164 |. Persuasion: <<< 33s. cs eee: L2G prOt GGn..5.ca2 3 11:30 MWFE 3G: Buehler ' ire Sac kien eth. of Speech Correction | 180and6hoursof.| 3 10:30 MWF 1031) °-G Anderson iN Speech. Speech Clinic? cet aaa viens oes ioe 2:30-4:20 aE Clinic] G Anderson Room