DIVISION I—Field B Course PREREQUISITE No. se| CouRsE Cones Cr. TIME Day Room} Bupa.| Instructor GERMAN i ‘AS Blemeéntary. Germany 120 6. le... foe ss pa ees eee 5 9:30 MTWTF 308 F Sturtevant Be y-Mlementary- German... 2s.é|s.- dees. cae teesiers 5 10:30 MTWTF 308 F Hagemann Orie blementary Germany ioe. . | sco ede hs cose saree 5 1:30 MTWTF | 310 F Pyle 2 Aes German Read: and Gram, .|) le oPooe. i.e. ate 5 8:30 MTWTF | 308 F Sturtevant Be German Readsand Gram...|) 1.063). 3. feat. 5 9:30 MTWTF | 310 F Hagemann ©) German Read:-and Gram:..|. 1. o5564....3..3. 040% 5 10:30 MTWTF 310 F Anderson ® BD |German Read: and Gram...) 1. i.25..6¢6% 6.005 5 1:30 MTWTF 210 F Anderson 8e Scientific German......... DS SRS RG ie rattan 3 2:30 MWF 310 F Anderson 8 Advanced Composition One course in 3 11:30 MWF 310 F Hagemann and Conversation. advance of 2. 150 GOCtHe es tsb eee Two courses in 3 3:30 MWF 308 F Hagemann advance of 2, or special permis. 152 Hist. of the German Lang..} Ditto.......:..... 3 11:30 MWEF 308 F Anderson 160 Modern Swedish II........ LEO eeu deat wits 3 10:30 MWE = =| 2% Wat. | Sturtevant LATIN AND GREEK LATIN AB Prelaw: ati i. ss eee ees P eee Cebewa eS ecw 5 10:30 MTWTF 206 F Walker 2 @gesar’. Ssba ihe oss ees BeBe partes 5 9:30 MTWTF | 210 F Lind 4 Vergil’s Aeneid............ 3A, except by 3 11:30 MWF 210 F Walker permission. 12 INE VENOLO RY ees oes Ca Re Hea rai ce eats vals Ss apetere 3 1:30 MWFE 206 F Grant 15 College Review of Latin....|} 1 or 2 units of 5 10:30 MTWTF 210 F Lind H. S. Latin. : 50 Latin Composition.........] 5, exceptbypermis.| 2 3:30 WE 210 F Walker 52 AVY ices dae ee es DOs 6 i eet 2 3:30 TT 210 F Lind 54 oman Civysisation-2 Von. 5 |.