. Wiss Ruth ies lakeview Consolidated dducie Battle Creek, “ichigan Dear Liss Bakers ‘I received your very good epistle as of December 1, 1940. The day after I received this I drove to Wellington and passed | by your big city of Leboe All the red roofs with the background of white snow made a very lovely settings I will not endeavor to write you a long letter. tonight beeause we are getting ready to leave for New York on December 236 We stop at Ann Arbor for a day and will stay at the Union Building thet nighte ‘6 then will go on to Buffalo and vest Point, after whieh we play in New York, Sateen cine end Chicagoe > _ { will answer your evieation regarding Dutch Uhrleube | His address is c/o James Arkell, Junction City, Kensase With kindest personal regards and the best of the Yuletidets Blessings, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fdueation and Recreation ee Basketball Coach srs ena aay dlegg ins Prony had S artind thaw Shad dae eG Gattle Ck, pect oe Besa tes ay oi hes | : Alec. / SFY, spa ie ee AS ie Gio Apter | otk (ZEtLA foc. é y. : ae ity oe Time A ee Aube “.. wee & Mi teach 9:4 ee 4, a tech fil BALES cae a Ua bare igs 3 Aaa cha shyed ts Ekin lt | if spralare pay Ce gs, i ss ehraal vs tise oe eae ox eee Eft ee Gi tel 2G ea Aad Sin Glad tb - hpt hazy IAG Fy nes ace 4 gal laes rae an hea fon at pa te LAGS id Metin: hee goad pwede Pell bone He tebe Bist, tse fans ate finns ye rhea Set ohh torey Yttint one Oink 2 iat # As, at ke on mab ie fit we Y ee arated, AV Ag Ee oe Lotte Lk. et yt Rei re eG CieA atin Ag hae a TL hasten: 3501 00 rinnden Y the A Pe ; ten weu at Bell ae ‘ Grkirind, Mest. + Elis ge dee ql) tot. WZ. Jill igh me Ronee apie j 7Pprete Tew Muepceg pte tf ata ot pg hte. Wiha a bho e.k Fy Lip tele tft, fterectan ee? St at Get KawdG i /2 Bor dadd LE LAOREET: Cat §, 7 AD te 2 | tot Ip. Mage as GIO yo tlic oa Sed Lee. Gp bn. Onna Cann be tna da; Zervier a Ae es oor the ap precte ad f ths Worth ty Ausow- of Dd 2Aaetd ach & 7 ee Aen ee oo Mi js a3 eZ / AY. : ee oe ob a. Dy My 20 Wee Mee 42, 2H. py oe peas shite” dogs Bo fins: Miss Ruth Baker — Kelloge Hall i Battle Creek, !ichi gan Dear Miss pakers Your letter of December 22 was received while Irs Allen was on his wey to New York to play in Madison Square Garden, Philadelphia, and Chicagos As far as I can gather from ovr torrespone dence with Loyola University, the game will be played on the Loyola courts ‘The address of the University — is 6525, a Road, Chicagos Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Forrest Ce Allen Mire and lirse Francis.C. Bannon 417 Ne Esplanade Leavenworth, Kansas Dear Tim and Jims 3 | We want you to mow how very much we appreciate your thoughtfule ness and hospitality in asking the Allen Clan to your domicile on Christmas afternoon, December 25. It so happens that we will be in Buffalo, New, York that day watching the play of colors that evening on Wiagarae | We will take off that night vie Albany for Test Point, New York, where we will spend the day, December 26th, and later that afternoon we will: go to New York City where we work out between — of the Tllincise Manhattan geme in the Garden, We do want you to know how very much we appreciate your thinking of us, and will you kindly convey to Mre and Urse arene * ® ‘Ross, our thanks to theme . Widdec yoo & Wek Barge Tebstide and ce of the uost Prosperous New Years that you ever experienced, I an, Siwerety yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach — 2438 BROADWAY. KANSAS CITY. MO. January 6 — 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Alien, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fog: Back to my desk after a two weeks vacation and the Xmas holidays. I am glad to hear you liked the Cerophyl knife. I hope you didn't rupture too many finger- nails before you finally got it open but do hope you will have a lot of pleasure out of it. Looking forward to seeing you and Wishing you a Very Successful Season and a Prosperous New Year, I am Sincerely yours, wid RAB:h Ralph A. Beegle oe DIVISION OF AMERICAN DAIRIES. INC. Mre Bill Buehler Depte of Speech and Dramatic Art University of Kansas. Dear Bill: I have your letter of the 6th instant end am happy that the Buehler family enjoyed seeing us play in the Gardens although we played one of the poorest games that the Kansas team ever played. Assuring you it is always a pleasure to see you or hear fron you, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Uducetion and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach January 6, 1940 Mr. Forrest Cc. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Dear Fog: The whole Buehler family joins me in extending to you our warmest thanks and appreci ation for making it possible for us to see the basketball game in Madison Square Gardens. It was a Red Letter Day for all of us, and especially for the three younsters who saw K. U. play basketball for the first time--in Madison Square Gardens, and it looks now as if there!il be five Buehler fans at the ball games instead of TWO. Thanks a lot. Bill Buehler Mre Frank J. Bauseh Dear Peters: i csabis to Shnccniae ¢ tel ink pes gone beck te Wichita to reside during the winter. We are playing Wichite University in the Porum on February 5 and I thought there might be some way for the old-time Kansas Basketball Players in that vicinity to get together and eat luncheon with the Varsity squade We will be staying at the Hotel Allis and we would be glad to have you come over and eat and visit with our boy@es I do not know whet you are doing in Wichita, but I imegine the post master will find you if I just address you at Wichite, Kansas. I get a great many letters from the eldetiners and it is interesting to see the various vocations and avotations that they indulge ine I bad & nige visit wit din inst eumere He stopped at the house for a couple cf mealse The family are all well and I trust that your family is well also, or is it just Prank Joseph Bausch alone? With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAslg ec: Karl Kloogz Alumni Association Baker University Deax Sirs ‘In the Christmas mail I received a letter from Cede Sample, Baker, 1907, fram Cleveland, Ohive Sample was one of my basketball players when I coached at Baker and I would be very appreciative if you could send me his Cleveland address as I desire to communicate with hima | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Biueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Coach Ed. Buller Box 16] Busklin, Kansas Ye have your comumication ef January 24 yequesting information regarding movies of some of our bagketball gomese We have a film from the Teaching Files Division im our Visual Instruction Department, entitled Basketball Pundanentals,. We use this film for our Varsity all the time and also for our freshmen players. fhe Basketball Pundamentels film may be rented from our Bureau of Viewl Instruction, University of Kansas, Lewrence, Kansas. The rental fee is $2.00 plus transportations I have just talked with the Bureau ané find that one film is available at present. They asked that I send your request to them and they would make reservation for you at oncée I am sure you will hear from the Bureau Yery shortiye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and area Varsity Basketball Sonn Jenuery al, 1941 Cole Karl F. Baldwin _ 400 Fowler Shops University of Kansas ‘Deer Cole Baldwin: I find thet I heve neglected to thenk you for your organizetion's very fine cooperation in loaning us eight blankets when we drove to Menhattan for the Kaneas Aggie=Xarses besketbell geme on Janusry 206 The weather was cold and disegreeable end te boys were full of flu, so these blan'’sts contributed very materially to their health and comfort, 2s well as to our keeping the boys in the best shape possiblee Ye heve alv#ys hed wonderful cooperation and courtesy from Sergte Toy. We want you to know that we in the Athletic epartment appreciate this very muchs With all good wishes, I am, : Sincerely yours, FCs s1g:mln Director of Physical Education and Recreation. | Varsity Basketball Coach Kellogg Hall | Battleereek, Michigan Dear Ruths: I appreciated your good letter of January & but am sorry you were unable to see our game with Loyolae | We should liked te heve seen yeu theres Although we only won cue. out of three games on our eastern trip, the boys had an enjoyable time end the tour did prove educationals Iwish thet I had time te write you e long letter, but as usual we are making ready now to travel dow to the University of Wishite and play there tonicht, Wichita is looking for this to be their big same of the season and we will probably have a scrape | Ow firet conference game in the new semester is with the University cf Nebrasim, an altitudenous, geangling and ageressive group of cormhuskers. Their center is 618" and they have two burly guards, ‘itz and Ueld, cach 6'4"; the other two are barely 6* tall so you can imacine our toiling bunch of underlings will have a whale of a job trying to whiddle two big beys dowm to their sizes, _ The basketball games together with my administrative | duties, which seem to be piling up, &re keeping me very busys ‘With kindest personal regards, I am, : | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Tdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Law My, lew : BF itd age oS Abra Ce i ot eee we ceed 2 ae aes Wee aes Danse el Zethe Tale Gh chat, f Fo ee Baw tWetle ae? DL at a Mw pees _ — PELL. ai oe aM ae se ih hers Hans as a ts. Aiea Le, tee As a 2S Che Tag. Gut Sin Wlbhing F Law. on a thigh tide . Zhe thane ghia ST Tr : af ule hes Married i Mee, hd ce Pore
mamage the Tourmament, Kansas won the play-off, defeatine the Oklahoma Aggies in the Finale We were then mateheé with Utah State te determine the team that would play in the Pinals in Rew Yorks Tt happened that I was in the identical position that I found myself | ' in the Tournament and yet I was mamaging the affaires All the team competing in the first and second Tournament were supposed to carry their traveling set of uniforms as well as their hone team wmiformss Kansas and Utah State wore supposed to play @ series of games, the best two out the wimer. : = a f & i . g é B i ; courtesy to teh State by wearing colored uniforms than Utah State owed a to Kenesas of telling the truth end further, the added responsibility of the necessity of carrying two sets of uniformse I have never felt like apologising to anyone who prevaricates merely for their own advantages if you do not believe every word of this I would suggest that you just mail this epistle to Dick Romney and got his version of its I believe that our boys are as sporting as any outfit and my cone viction is that our reputation is as good ag the other fellows, With no desire to sweeten the » but with the pride that comes from receiring letters such ag wo have received from the manager of the Michigan Union, I am sending you @ carbon scopy of the letter that was written to Chancellor Deane “. *alott and to me from Mrs Stanley G» Walts, Manager, Michigan Unione These letters are self-explanatory and I might add further thet we had no lnowledge whatsoever that such letters wore being writtens , We will feel confident in the fact that when good and bad sporting exhibitions are compared, that Kansas will not suffer wmdulys Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Bducation and Reereation Vareity Basketball Conch Water and Sewage Laboratory Cassandra Ritter, Bacteriologist Robert H. Hess, Chemist Sanitary Engineering Section Paul D. Haney, Chemical Engineer Wendell C. Wyatt, Asst. Engineer P. C. Sharp, Asst. Engineer STATE OF KANSAS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Sop detec Goclogt Richard G. Prough, Asst. Geol. F. P. HELM, M.D., Topeka : : Secretary and Executive Officer Industrial Hygiene Section ” ° * Charles C. Dills, Engineer Arthur L. Nichols, Hygienist DIVISION OF SANITATION Marvin Hall, University. of Kansas Earnest Boyce, Engineer and Director Nelle Schneider, Asst. Director LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 31, 1940. Mr. Jim Raport 107 Robinson Gymnasium Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Raport: The rating of these samples is good from a bacteriological standpoint. In our swimming pool ratings, samples which show a bacterial count of not over 200 bacteria per cubic centimeter are given a rating of excellent. The good rating is used for samples showing bacterial count of over 200- Samples showing the presence of coliform organisms are given ratings of fair and un- satisfactorye Usually samples showing a residual chlorine content of .6 parts per million, as these samples did, have a bacterial count of less than 200. If you wish to have regular analyses made will you please come to the laboratory for sterilized bottles and we can make arrangements for additional analyses. Very truly yours, DIVISION OF SANITATION Carrandra Kitten . CR:R REPORT OF WATER ANALYSIS—CITY OF peePeUGe 2 Pee t Laboratory No. 405490 . e s Wi +@ L Botto id 20) Source a. 5 — be outl a Collected by rheed cal Edl. Bett Date of collection. 10-29-40 Date received . 10=29=40 Analysis completed 10-31-40 O pnd BACTERIAL EXAMINATION * Bacteria per cc. on OO 600 800 Presumptive Tests for Coli-Aerogenes Group ~ - Results of Fermentation Tests: in 3 10 cc. tubes BE ode 2= in 3 1 cc. tubes b= b= in 3.1 6c. tubes in 3 .01 cc. tubes in 3.001 cc. tubes Confirmatory Tests for Coli-Aerogenes Group CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Results in parts per million. Color on Odor ; Turbidity. <5, under 1 under 1 5 day BO. D: Nitrogen as Nitrites eee ae , Nitrogen as Nitrates : * Solids, total... ‘ Special : : Special MINERAL ANALYSIS HCO, (Bicarbonate) 52 40 CO, (Carbonate) : ieee otra ene OH (Hydroxide) Cl (Chlorides) as 6G Fe (Iron) Special * Gas in the fermentation tubes and confirmatory test indicate the presence of bacterial organisms of the Coli-Aerogenes group. These organisms inhabit the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, hence their presence in water shows sewage contamination or pollution from surface drainage. Plus sign, gas present. Minus sign, gas absent. One part per million is equivalent to 1 pound of substance per million pounds of water. One gallon weighs 8.33 pounds. 17.1 parts per million—1 grain per gallon. Mrs Sam Barry Varsity Basketball Coach University of Southern Califom ia Los Angeles, California Dear Sams Tau wendining Sf you | will send me by return mail the ants Vie deus Saaktis tenak Cnatineens tained It is very necessery that we set a date for our Western and National play-off, but we Sp Oe ee 2 Oe ® Sine TERS SR GNE Sent) Lee woe ee Setorne® of the Meific Svast Conferences eR gg peepee perp rg lem place? I would appreciate 4t if you woujd work this information to oe ee : t sincerely trust that you have. had a wonderful summers - My kindest regards to Coach Howard Jones and the rest of the staffs | OO aan Director of Physical Education and Recreation : Varsity Basketball Coach Ure Sam Barry Head Basketball Coach University of Southern California Los Angeles, California — tear Sens Thais fey the intevumbhen requeting te dates that your Southern Divisim season ends and the dates upon which the playeoffs are helde This vill help me very much as we desire to set a date in the near futures Congratulations to you and Howard Jones on your splendid — ‘at oe we Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY PARK LOS ANGELES October 8, 1940 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawerence, Kansas Dear Phog: Our Southern Division season ends March lst, 1941 and the coast play-offs are two weeks later. Dates approximately will be March 13, 14 and 15th. We sincerely hope the tourna- ment will again be held in Kansas City and under your splen- did menagement. Agee a wene a Barry—— Head Basketball Coach