I. THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Room Course Suc. CouRSE Cr. TIME Days AND CREDIT IN INSTRUCTOR ° Bupa. Group I Philosophy of Education S T268 | wed | Philosophy of Education. .......... | 3 | 9:30 | MWF | 115 F | GEFCB | Schwegler Group II Educational Sociology $52 A | Elem. of Educational Sociology..... 2 10:30 Tr 115 F EFCB Russell $52 B | Elem. of Educational Sociology..... 2 2:30 TE 115 F EFCB Russell $294 Construction of Sec. School Curric...| 3 3:30 MWE 1i5e GEF Althaus $399 Research in Curric. Construction... .|2—-8 AD Ds i: Shs: ence eee 119 F G | Staff Group III Educational Psychology P40 Educational Psychology............ 3 1:30 MWF 217 FS F Gaston (For Fine Arts students only) P50 A | Educational Psychology............ 3 9:30 MWEF 306 F EFCB Nash P50 B | Educational Psychology...........- 3 10:30 MWFE 306 F EFCB Schwegler P50 C | Educational Psychology............ = 1:30 MWE Laper EFCB Turney P276 MentaleElyeiene) . o.oo. 2s nine ee es 2 10:30 rT 306 F GEFCB | Turney P279 Psych. of Moral Education......... 2 | 4:30-6:10 WwW 115 GEFCB | Schwegler P281 Reading and Study Laboratory.....| 2 | 4:30-6:10 Tu 16F GE Nash P300 Seminar in Educ. Psychology....... 0 Ppt ois yee ecore 115k G Staff P399 Research in Educ. Psychology... ...|2—-8 AD Dt Aer. cleo eee G Staff Group IV Measurements, Experimentation and Supervision E50 A | Introduce. to Educ. Measurements...| 2 8:30 Pas 115 F EFCB Althaus E50 B | Introduce. to Educ. Measurements...| 2 1:30 ts PLScE EFCB Althaus E261 Educational Guidance.............. 2 | 4:30-6:10 Th 16 F GEFB Nash E272 Supervision of Instruction......:...] 2 | 4:30-6:10 M 11L6F GEFCB | OBrien E353 Educational Experimentation....... 3 11:30 MWE L156 F G OBrien E399 Research in Ed. Meas. and Superv...!2-8 Dee alain cn we ole eee satan G | Staff Group V History of Education H64 } ae | Survey of American Education...... | 2 | 1:30 | ar | 306 F | EFCB | Bayles Group VI Administration of Education A50 A | Intro. to School Administration... .. 2 9:30 Tr biol EFCB OBrien A50 B | Intro. to School Administration..... 2 3:30 Tae 115°R EFCB Chandler A274 Comparative Education............ 3 10:30 MWF 115 F GEFCB | Twente A375-— Educ. Finance and Business Admin. 376 Of City Sonogis...: 0 i. 43. ke 5 3700 MTWTF 306 F G Twente A304 Seminar in Educ. Administration....| 0 WED Ao eeiee te 15 FE G Twente A399 Research in Edue. Administration. . .|2-8 MRTG Bio eerie | aan Cee G Twente Group VII Secondary Education B261 Admin. of Jr. and Sr. High Schools..} 3 8:30 MWF 306 F GEFCB | Althaus B264 Admin. of Extra-Curricular Activ....| 2 2:30 Ty 306 F GEFCB | OBrien ee