UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL, 1941-1942 Facilities for Buncooteel Teaching are offered by the School of Education in the following departments: Bio- logical Science, Commercial Subjects, Dramatics, Drawing and_ Design, Economics, English, History, Home Eco- nomics, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physical > meet Political Science, Spanish, Speech, Social Studies, Special Schools. SCHEDULE OF CLASSES FOR SUPERVISED TEACHING BY DEPARTMENTS Commercial Subjects: M96a. Supervised Teaching in Commercial Subjects. 1 U. H. S.* Sheaks. My pewritings «4s Sh Saka és ...-MTWTF 8:30 Typewriting v8. 0 25 eee MTWTF 2:30 Drawing and Designing: M55a and M56a. Supervised Teaching in a 324 Frank Strong. Dalton Drawing and Design (Girls), MTWTF Drawing and Design (Boys), MTWTF 2:30 English: M86a. Supervised Teaching in English. U. H. 8.* Fee, Eaton, Coombs. Brgisne bs, eas eres MTWTF 8:30 Joomaliansc.... i ees MW. 11:30 Byglish Ws, 44. dees. ay MTWTF 9:30 Won gligh: PVs s25. bs che «0 Berets es MEY TF 11:30 Bpslish= TD. hoi deste. os Soe MTWTF = 10:30 Bnglish LH 33ers cases es MTWTF 2:30 Home Economics: M83a. Supervised Teaching in Home Economics. 8 Fraser. Hoesly. IOMG: PMONO MNCS ( CUTIS) 65.4550 6 G5 6s cick ais ob cass eee MTWTF 10:30 Home: Dconomies (Boys) is yh. 30% emai oes FS oes MTWTF 10:30 Latin: Baetiill 05 Secret eee MTWTF 8:30 Hatin Toes Ss cle eee MTWTF 11:30 Lowrance Mathematics: ' M89a. Supervised Teaching in Mathematics. 2 U. H. S.* Ulmer, Pollock, Lowrance, Camien. CROOINGIEY 555 a dt oes sos cate MTWTF 8:30: Algebraic 3 sia-secie es sie a os es MTWTF 10:30 Solid Cosgaiey (spring) .... MTWTF 9:30 CGleamibtnee oe 3 sis iis wc oe MTWTF 11:30 Agra Tierra ysstac oan MTWTF 2:30 Musie: M63a and M64a. Supervised ae in ne U. H. S.* Gaston. Glee Club (Girls)... «sos so WF :30 Glee Club« (Boys) v2.3.3 5.. TW + 3280 Orchest sd. 06655 Bi Seen ME 3 :30 Natural Science: M8la. Supervised Teaching in Biological Sciences. 21 U. H. 8.* Bayles. M99a. Supervised Teaching in Physical Sciences. 21 U. H. S8.* Kuitert. General: Science ...........: MTWTF 9:30 Chemistrysts. .2 5 6028 ses e. MTWTF 2:30 BIOORG Ys Gai os oes ew cee nese MTWTF 10:30 Physical Education: M94a. Supervised Teaching in Physical Education. 101 and 102 Robinson. Stapleton, Shenk. Physical Education ......... MTWTF 1:30 Social Studies: M91a. Supervised Teaching in Social! pine 20 U. H. S.* Litchen, Camien, Summers. Problems of Democracy ..... MTWTF 8:30 American History .......... MTWTF 10:30 World “History: <2. ees oe MTWTF 9:30 World “HIStory. orcs. ce oes MTWTF 11:30 Citizenship: . 2. 20..0.6. sees MTWTF 2:30 ‘ Spanish: M98a. Supervised Teaching in Spanish. 109 and 113 Frank Strong. Elliott. Spanish oy sees ees MTWTF 11:30 Spanish lls ose wee cee MTWTF 11:30 Speech and Dramatic Arts: M84a. Supervised Teaching in Speech and Dramatic Arts. 10 U. H. §8.* Coombs. MTree tlge dies ieeaca ccs ES ea pe awe oss giayeiclo se dhe ssug oases oe MWF 3°30 * Room numbers for classes will be posted on U. H. S. bulletin board. PRINTED BY KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT W. C. AUSTIN, STATE PRINTER TOPEKA 1941 19-1923