UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND January 14, 19386 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Professor Je Oo Jones, School of Engineering, Hydraulics Laboratorye Dear Jake: You will notice that the beok which I had hoped Santa Claus would bring you is being delivered by Nelson Sullivan, one of our diminutive basketeers whom I hoped would prove Santa Claus in the basketball season, but it seemed like Oklahana wouldn't let us have it that way. Itrust that you will get a little wallop out of some of the stories in the back of the book, "The Tales of Yester- year". The technical side of this game may not appeal to you, but some of this stuff is done in rather chatty fashion, and I hope you will enjoy it. As usual, I am just about a month late, but if I live long enough I will get arowmd to doing the things I went to doe With every good wish, I am Sincer yours, rector/of Physical Edu FCA:AH Basketball Coach