UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DEAN September 21, 1943 To the Members of the Faculty, School of Engineering & Architecture: There seems to be some confusion with regard to the proper procedure regarding changes of enrollment. In order to keep accurate records in the Office of the Dean and in the Registrar's Office, it is necessary to have a Standard routine. To that end the practice outlined below should be followeds Civilian Students The change of enrollment of civilian students will be made in the same manner as has been the custom in the past, Any civilian student who wishes to change his enrollment will be directed by the staff in the Deants Office to consult his advisore Such changes as the advisor deems desirable will be reported on the card designed for that purpose, & sample of which is enclosed. The card should indicate whether a ‘course is added, is dropped, or whether there is merely a change in hours. When this information is received in the Office, appropwiate notices will be sent to all instructors concerned, and to the Registrar. V-18 Students Desirable changes in the enrollment of V-12 students may become ap- parent to instructors, to advisors, or te the Naval Officers. Whoever initiates the change should follow the procedure outlined below. 1. First consult the head of the department concerned. If the head of the depa:incit approves the change, he should indicate that fact by "ox" and his initials on the mrgin of the "change of enrollment" card. ‘The student should then be directed by the person initiating the change (or by the head of the department if the student himself initiates the change) to consult his advisor a t the earliest possible time. If tho advisor also ap=- proves the change, he should determine how best it can be made, and submit the proposal to the V-12 Office for final approvale 2. If final approval is given by the V-12 Office, the advisor should complete the change of enrollment by the use of the change of enrollment card, The remainder of the transaction will be completed in the Deants Office in the usual weye