Mr. Jimmy Nixon, Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Jimny: I am sending you in confidence a copy of a letter that I received from George Edwards, which he addressed to Gwinn Henry, our Director of Athletics here at the University, and also a copy of my reply. I did not want to stoop tc the inclegant in dealing with my contemporaries. I also wanted you to kmow that I was taking full responsibility for getting the tickets and so far as I am concerned there will be no more N.C.A.A. play-offs for e These shortsighted money grabbing N.C.A.A. officers in grandmothers’ clothes are too much for me. The job was entirely too big for George's imagination or his ability. In a national tournament when the Wentworth Band was engaged for three performances, it shows to me that the man whe runs it is not putting on a national show, but endeavoring to get by without paying out any legitimate money more than necessity dictates. And the pity of it all is thet the major profits are not returned to the colleges which the boys represent, but rather organization without soul or fair play so far as the division of the receipts are concerned. Give all the boys at the Avditorium my kindest regards. You are at liberty to show this to your cooperators at the Auditer- ium, but keep it confidential otherwise. Won't you please, Jimny, buy a big “Mother Hubbard” for the old grandmother when he handles the tournament next year? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Kincation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.