Mrs Sam Barry Varsity Basketball Coach University of Southern Califom ia Los Angeles, California Dear Sams Tau wendining Sf you | will send me by return mail the ants Vie deus Saaktis tenak Cnatineens tained It is very necessery that we set a date for our Western and National play-off, but we Sp Oe ee 2 Oe ® Sine TERS SR GNE Sent) Lee woe ee Setorne® of the Meific Svast Conferences eR gg peepee perp rg lem place? I would appreciate 4t if you woujd work this information to oe ee : t sincerely trust that you have. had a wonderful summers - My kindest regards to Coach Howard Jones and the rest of the staffs | OO aan Director of Physical Education and Recreation : Varsity Basketball Coach