May 23, 1942. Mr. ©. & McBride, fhe Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mac: This is water over the dam, Cl sas entities stie Hei ol te finite purpose correspondence of Valentine Lents, basketball coach at the U. 5. Military Academy, West Point, and my reply to hin. You will notice he wrote me on August 7, 1941, and I replied on August 30. This was quite some time ago, but at that time I definitely indicated to him that the leadership in the National Basketball Coaches Association would be the means of splitting up the Basketball Rules Committee. On November 19, 1941, Nels Norgren, the president of the Basketball Coaches Association, wrote mp asking that I reconsider my decision not to serve as chairman of the rules committee of the Coaches Association. My reply dated November 21, 1941, is self- explanatory. Blair Gullion, of Cornell, Nat Holman of ¢.C.N.Y., and Val- entine Lents were the boys that caused most of the trouble at Hew Orleans. H. V. Porter is the executive secretary of the National Pederation of State High School Athletic Association. I sent Porter a copy of the letter that I wrote George Edwards, together with Edwards’ letter to Gwinn Henry. 1 his reply. You can see now why I told Edwards certain things I did in my reply to him concerning the letter he wrote Gwinn Henry. I do not believe that I go off half-eocked in these things because I have been in the association long enough to endeavor to ao constructive things for the geme of basketball, rather than to receive personal aggrandizement in an executive capacity. é Sinserely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. Ence ¢