Moreh 12, 1941 Dear John: in Seb Bushy's Sports Buzz in the Daily Journal World, as of Tuesday, March 11, he quotes you in part as follows: “emamber the time he (Allen) has his players change jerseys at the half in the Tournament | game in Kansas City itll bet that was the first time in all the bamketball experience of the Coach at Utah State that he has ever heard of anything Like most accurate sports writer? comments this statement was : substantially correct. This story recalls to my mind an ineident of 2 fellow who rather beastfully said, "I have a frierd in Baltimore who made 100, in six montas manufacturing the new sanforized shirte" This fellow eaid to his friend, “ten't that right, Bill?" “Well,” he said, "It is substantially correst. Instead of Baltéirore it was Kansas City, end instead of menufacturing shirts it was overalis, and instead of making $190,000 he lsst $100,000," Frankly, i believe that the coaches should share some of the -_ odiun of the inaccuracies that apcear in the sports ecluan aie te a coaches hardly ever inform the sport writers of the correct version of the in onder to eooperate with you John, old pal, I feel it my pleasant duty to inform you regarding the chengingsshirt episode when we played Utah State. this is the first time that this story has been released from captivity, and as far as I know I have never seen the incident correstly degori beds Tm 1936, ow GigeSix schools, in their endeavor to help the Olympie Fund, each paid their ow: expenses te fansas City for 2 basketball play-off tournament. The suount expended or contributed by each school toward the expense wis $200.00, lebraska and Missouri of BigeSix schools, together with the Oklahoma Aggies, entered the Tournaments You will reoall this incident, I was selected +> mamage the Tourmament, Kansas won the play-off, defeatine the Oklahoma Aggies in the Finale We were then mateheé with Utah State te determine the team that would play in the Pinals in Rew Yorks Tt happened that I was in the identical position that I found myself | ' in the Tournament and yet I was mamaging the affaires All the team competing in the first and second Tournament were supposed to carry their traveling set of uniforms as well as their hone team wmiformss Kansas and Utah State wore supposed to play @ series of games, the best two out the wimer.