Mr. John Bentley | Page Two Mar. 12,1941 I asked Dick Romney if he had not brought his two sets of uniforms. He said that he had only brought one set, and that was the white uniform with @ blue sash runing through ite So he wore the white and we wore the red for the first two games» However, I was convinced, or at least I heda Innoh that Diek Rommey had another set of uniforms. I might add that my own players came to me and said, “We have been wearing red all the time. Why can't we wear our white uniforms?" Old Convention Hall wag not well lighted and the white suits showed up much bétter than the rede The players wearing the white uniforms were much easier to pick ovt than if they wore any other colore Noble and Fbling said, “We believe if we wear the white uniform we will go better." I said, "All right, I tell you what we will do. We will wear white and see if Utah State doesn’t have another set of uniforms," We wore the white under our warmeups and when the whistle blew for the start of the game we peeled off our warmeups and we had white suite and they had white suits with the blue sashe Rommey immediately sent back to the Kansas City Athletic Club for his traveling set of uniforms which were dark navy blue with the white sash. They called timewout and changed theme _ Personally I feel that was a neutral court and Kensas owed no more courtesy to Utah State by wearing colored uniforms than Utah State owed a courtesy to Kansas of telling the truth and further, the added responsibility of the necessity of carrying two sets of vniformte I have never felt like apologizing to anyone who prevaricates merely for their own advantages | If you do not believe every word of this I would suggest that you just mail this epistle to Dick Romney and got hie version of ite I believe that our boys are as sporting as any outfit and my cone viction is that our reputation is as cood as the other fellows. With no | desire to sweeten the pot, but with the pride that comes from receiving letters such as we have received from the manager of the Michigan thion, I am sending you @ carbon copy ef the letter that was written to Chancellor Deane We Malott and to me from Mrs Stanley Ge Waltz, Manager, Michigan Union, These letters are self-explanatory and I might add further that we had no lmowledge whatsoever that such letters were being written. | | ; We will feel confident in the fact that when zood and bad sporting | exhibitions are compared, that Kansas will not suffer umidulye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rdveation and Reereation Versi ty Ras'cethall Coach