—6- A median salary of $272.00 per month for superintendents in cities of the second class provides a yearly salary of $3264.00. As indicated by the middle fifty per cent, one-fourth of these superintendents are paid $337.00 or more per month; and one~fourth receive not more than $23.00 per month. A majority of school custodians seem to be employed on a twelve months basis, but in some schools they are employed on a ten month basis. No attempt was made to treat custodians separately according to type of school or size of system. In some . school systems the superintendent is principal of the high school. If the high school principal is also principal of the junior high school, the latter fact was not recorded here. 'Flementary principal! is interpreted here as principal in fact, not one with teacher's duties and a teacher's salary who is merely called principal. It is easily apparent, by referring back to Teble I, that the average yearly salary paid to two of the three groups of teachers indicated in that table is less than what three-fourths of the school janitors reported in Table II receive (that is, three-fourths are paid $1205.00 or more). Teachers must receive $134.00 per month for nine months or $150.00 per month for eight months to total $1200.00 per year. The median salary of school janitors is higher than the median salary of any group of elementary teachers in the State as shown in Table I, and there is no apparent reason for believing that the custodians are paid too much. If the county superintencents had included a statenient of their orn salerics, the informstion would have been highly indicative of how unettractive thet position is vith reference to selrry. One county superintendent who gave his sslory as only 4138.00 per month for twelve months of service, in a county which employs 175 teachers in its schools, merely added a "ha ha",