October 15, 1943 Dear Colleague: The Conventions of the Kansas State Teachers Association are scheduled for siovember 4-5-6 at Topeka, Salina, Hays, Dodge City, Wichita, and Independence. The sectional delegate assembly vill meet at 2 p.m. on Thursday November 4. Principal Madison Coombs will represent the K. U. unit and other members of the _ Association are welcome to attend the business session of this © assembly. ae Se : eS age Dues -- $3.00 per year -- should be paid now. Gladys Kunkel, _ 103 Fraser, and Alice Hosford, 223 Frank Strong Hall, have the - membership booklets. The Association needs the help of all professional workers. — ae ee oe ts Sincerely yours, tht Vt fo Ae Va Twente: President, Kale UAL, diviik ad