S52. ELEMENTS OF EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY, Two hours credit. Both semesters, THis course is one of the elective elements of the Fundamentals Group. Social implications of Education including such features as state and governmental functions of education; public schools as an agency of society; and the inter- relationship between schools and other institutions in society. The school as a social organism, Russell. Specialized Courses *A2, MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. Two hours cred- ity Falk, To give the prospective teacher in elementary schools a gen- sral appreciation of the aim, scope, and setting of elementary education and the more necessary information on the internal organization of the elementary school. *Not open to freshmen, Ee Al51. ADULT EDUCATION, allis, METHODS, aND organtzation. “hours credit. Summer Session. This course considers the fundamental principles in adult educa- Sie’ and examines the vericus develcpments in this field. The origins, social shilosophies, objectives, methods, «nd results of the different types of adult anstitutions will be studied. ,o omith. A154. SCHOOL HYGIENE. oF sure credit. Fall and summer. Required of phys- ical education majors, A critical study of three major aspects of child health and care: (a) The physical health end development of the child; children's dis- zsases and. defects, their-incidence,..care ané handling; (b) The: hygiene of builc-- ing, equipment, the surroundings; (c) Health education, stressing health kaow- ledge and health habits. Prerequisites, the Fundamentals Group. Elbel. A158, VISUAL EDUCATION IN ELEMENTARY aND SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Two hours credit. Summer session. The theory and administrative practice of visual edu- cation, types of equipment, sources of supply, maintenance, and relative educa-— ticnal values of accepted modes of visual education. Prerequisite, 15 hours of Education, Montgomery. A180. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION OF BUSINESS EDUCATION. Three hours credit. Spring and summer. A course tc meet the needs of present and pros- vective department heads and supervisors of business education. Topics.to be considered include the crganization of a department, planning the physical lay- out, selection and assignment of texchers, in-service training, financing the business program, improvement of instruction, placement, follow-up systems, publicity, etc. Prerequisites, the Fundamentals Group. aw Crouse, A184. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF HOME ECONOMICS " hours credit. Spring. An introduction tc the study -f home economics education. This course includes a brief history of the home economics movement. The philosophy and objectives of home economics education and its place in the educational plan. The home economics curriculum, qualifications cf teacher and cpportunities open tc home economics trained women. Prerecuisite, A50, and 10 hours of home economics, Hoesly. M165. TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING. Three hours credit. Spring. This course is designed as an introduction te the theory and practice of teaching for pros-— pective teachers, supervisors, and administrators. It consists of-three broad, interrelated units. Unit I, the philosophical and social bases of method, Unit II, the psychclogical bases cof method. Unit III, methods, techniques, and management. A critical but constructive appraisal of general methods such as the project method, socialized recitation, assignments, supervised study, etc,, in the light of Units I and II. Prerequisite, the Fundamentals Group. Turney ~ io